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Everything posted by Raremusicdirect

  1. I agree Dave, there is much hair splitting that can be done.......for me an alternate take on a vinyl 45 seems ok, as its the first time for it on vinyl, but if its a straight re-issue would rather see it on cd. Either way, vinyl re-issue 45s do in my opinion devalue original 45s and venues that play original 45s, because the tune becomes less "special" to hear. I know many don't care, but that's how it is for me........
  2. Maybe the two scenes - Oldies and Rare will now respectfully part, each acknowledging the other whilst knowing its not really for them. Pays your money and takes the choice. The Oldies crowd will have it rougher because the "handbaggers" will go and stay there. Two seconds in a Rare environment and they would be gone. I hope ALL are welcomed with open arms (if they cause no trouble and follow etiquette) because I am always hearing its the friendliest scene - so keep it that way...........I may not be at those events that greet them, but the ethos should surely remain
  3. I was reading the "4 Perfections - I'm Not Strong Enough thread" and mention is made that all copies have hiss at the start. Some other 45s suffer the same Two questions 1. What causes this initial hiss at the start ? and 2. Why was it not spotted and halted before whole batches were produced ? Thanks
  4. There are some djs who do not post playlists for 2 main reasons It protects what they play from being copied & They believe that people should attend to hear what they play in person (also adds a touch of mystique) That may well account for certain djs never posting. For those that do post, it's probably just holiday season ? Or maybe they are drifting into the above bracket :-)
  5. My best advice would be to spend your way through the addiction ............................... Hopefully helps.....................
  6. A seller can of course ask any price he feels achievable. If it doesn't sell he can keep the record or reduce the price to entice a sale. As discussed before it depends on circumstance and timing very often. The last copy I have seen for sale of this was / is from the seller Tone Deaf Monkey. £ 750 now at £ 700. He is close to the market and will have made a judgement call as to its value, the market will decide if its right.................
  7. Please pm me with price and condition.................... Thank you
  8. I suspect when the first 500 have flown (and reasonably quickly) another 500 may pop up...............
  9. For the future I have always believed when talking about 7inch vinyl and cds............. that the format will continue to change over to digital, in whatever format (mp3, mp4 or whatever), its quality improving along with download speed that every song recordable will more or less be available for instant download - some paid, some free on the internet that all record shops will close that collectors for vinyl will short term increase in number (world awareness) but long term decrease (technology, youngsters etc) that record players will stop being manufactured and old ones will rarely be serviced (uneconomic). Many format changes are in fact profit driven commercial changes by companies.... that all manufacturers of vinyl 7s will cease trading and as this happens All low value 45s will be encouraged to melt down / disposal (too expensive to store worthless 45s) Only the historically important and super rare (super value) will be kept, probably in glass frames Time frame.......... I'd say 50 years ........ In the meantime, I will collect on oblivious, happy that its my chosen past time ........being thankful if I could hear more 45s for less money.........(in the real rather than digital) :-)
  10. Or make a reasonable OFFER if you feel I am over....... :-)
  11. James Knight & The Butlers - There Goes My Baby - Concho Still a rare tune with miles on the clock............... VG++ £ 550 ; Reduced to £ 450 Paypal as GIFT Please PM Thanks
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mustangs-Of-Austin-Texas-Tender-Loving-Care-Stangs-100-/271226168483?pt=UK_Records&hash=item3f2656e4a3 Open to OFFERS outside, please pm..........
  13. Well if we worried what anyone thought.......
  14. Link, then view Other Items https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271222271860?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Cheers :-)
  15. "There's That Beat" soul fanzine, issues 1 to 10 please ..........please pm which issues you have and how much you want for them, posted to UK.........
  16. Russ Vickers was exploring the bringing back of former djs on a thread and it made me consider that the balance between dj and punter has probably changed from the days of Wigan through to the present. I would say that many "punters" I meet are very knowledgable on the music and tunes and I think this must be to a far greater level now than before; has this closed the knowledge gap between dj and punter ? Its surely aided by the internet etc ?
  17. Hi Russ, Isn't "most of the people from the relatively recent past mentioned so far could set a room alight with their personality alone" a part of the times you were in. I mean, records hard to locate, djs working had to locate (and pay) for them, only being able to hear at the venue etc all builds to the djs prescence being a "buzz".........all thats gone, long gone. The internet and modern life has replaced most of those factors..........(and its a generalisation because many of the new and progressive djs work very very hard to find new things) I have heard a couple of "big name" djs from the past (one from vinyl, one from cd) who behave like we are back in those times, but it doesnt often work......we have a different ball game now..........and from what I can see it only works in certain oldies venues............ I really think the knowledge of "punters" is far greater now and the balance between dj and punter has changed (I will create a thread for it) ........... I agree with most of the second paragraph ; but there are venues out there worth travelling for (imo) but on the whole just two many venues, which because of the "only ever great" revue system we have, can last quiet well into the future...... :-) I would just rather look forward I guess.........
  18. Best of luck............a new vinyl shop really is big news.............well done and I hope business goes well...............
  19. Many of the djs mentioned I have never heard play at all, let alone on a "return" basis. I'd be very uncertain of calling any back at all, unless they come of their own accord, with enthusiasm and genuine desire (rather than just for financial reward)...... Often, whats past is past and there is always the danger that recreation falls flat. If they did return, I'd be bound to try and listen ; but thats just as I like to listen to djs new to me ....... If they have retired, be great if they had sold the collection on - to allow others to give them some air time. Rather look to the younger (or newer) djs and let them have their time.......some will come through I am sure......
  20. Mustangs Of Austin Texas - Tender Loving Care Original for sale, PayPal as Gift, PM to reserve £ 300 Priced to sell .............. https://youtu.be/CGOggFJPyW4
  21. If Dave Thorley got no reply to a genuine enquiry, that would be concerning...........it maybe the sellers are just unaware of how much detail we require.........and how much value some details may have added..................
  22. The Ikea bookcases are a great way to store and easy access. At the moment the records I rotate are in record cases, the rest in boxes. I'd recommend you store them correctly from the start and also catalogue them as you go along. When you get behind, you tend to stay behind.......... (I'm way behind... )
  23. The record posted 2nd January 2013 arrived 28th April 2013 But happy its here
  24. Maybe you been unlucky Russell, I bought near 60% of my records off facebook last 3/4 months ; never had an issue and I know the people pretty well. Maybe (like here) thats the key...........

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