Hi Russ,
"most of the people from the relatively recent past mentioned so far could set a room alight with their personality alone"
a part of the times you were in. I mean, records hard to locate, djs working had to locate (and pay) for them, only being able to hear at the venue etc all builds to the djs prescence being a "buzz".........all thats gone, long gone. The internet and modern life has replaced most of those factors..........(and its a generalisation because many of the new and progressive djs work very very hard to find new things)
I have heard a couple of "big name" djs from the past (one from vinyl, one from cd) who behave like we are back in those times, but it doesnt often work......we have a different ball game now..........and from what I can see it only works in certain oldies venues............ I really think the knowledge of "punters" is far greater now and the balance between dj and punter has changed (I will create a thread for it) ...........
I agree with most of the second paragraph ; but there are venues out there worth travelling for (imo) but on the whole just two many venues, which because of the "only ever great" revue system we have, can last quiet well into the future...... :-)
I would just rather look forward I guess.........