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Everything posted by Raremusicdirect

  1. Hi Kev, So if you love a record, its in your top ten of all time, you won't purchase because its termed a "biggie" by others..... ? That doesn't make sense to me, it means your driven by someone else's terminology...... Its not a term I particularly like, but its used a great deal for high value 45s.......that are popular and highly sought after. I don't think someone who buys bigger tunes can't also be a soul fan - I have some friends who are lucky enough to purchase "biggies" and they are imho still soul fans. Just ones with deeper pockets than me (and good luck to them). The key for me and I think you agree, is that people develop their own ear, things they play they love (whatever value) ; that's what leads to individuals ; different djs with different play boxes......and of course we need Promoters prepared to give them a go and crowds prepared to listen with open ears...........some venues just won't take it, others will ...........
  2. I thought I'd take a look at my last few purchases and see what they cost : $ 7.99 label Dynamo $ 25.50 label Gay-Shel $ 12.50 label Trump $ 400.00 label Contact $ 22.50 label Star $ 15.50 label USA $ 17.50 label Giant $ 8.00 label South Richmond $ 17.50 label Zephr $ 8.00 label M Records $ 19.50 label Boo Ga Loo Not sure how representative I am, but I probably buy between 8 to 10 cheapies to 1 "bigger" tune, liking to hear some new things, dependent on finances. Ideally they are ones with sound files, as I buy cold far less than I used to. Cheap sales from the USA have gone down with the increased postage costs I would say, people I speak to trying to buy more from 1 seller to get better rates. This should help UK dealers, traders and sellers. Maybe the bottom has fallen out for more regular cheapies, but there are still loads of unusual ones out there to keep me entertained.
  3. Was a piece of fun Steve :-) The point that someone would blind bid is one thing, but really I was equating the value (already) to the record as hyped even though unknown - I would be confident it won't sell for less than £ 2k without even knowing what it is yet ................. Otherwise it is unlikely to match the hype / promotion :-)
  4. Note that I am bidding blind, but with the description provided and the expectation created you could probably bid £ 2k and then seek redress if its a pup under the miss-selling acts (?) :-) [sure it will be more than a £ 2k record]
  5. JM buyers don't read SS ? Must have been at least one under bidder............... ?
  6. Can't add to the debate about who it is, but thanks for the share, that's appreciated.......
  7. Anyone have any details on them please, label says Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1522
  8. And the Buyer can play it out on the basis he has an original ?
  9. "The damage must have occurred in transit" ........................
  10. Maybe its a Shrine 45 as they have been easing out month by month ?
  11. Would love to attend one of these but being back on the South Coast for 7pm Sunday night makes it real tricky ....... :-(
  12. Current High Offer is £ 395 End tonight at 6pm Thank you
  13. Replaced video with actual sound file as have had requests for play file.........thanks
  14. Freddie Hill - Mr Lucky - Ru-Tee Hit Records Nice copy (VG+) of this texas 45, that has stayed hard to find Sample of actual tune here, plays loud and strong........ https://www.divshare.com/download/24774699-fed and a poor quality label pic (sorry can't get the phone any clearer) https://www.divshare.com/download/24774700-a39">
  15. Strong vocal from Tony Middleton, one of his lesser known tracks, VG+ ; nice clean copy, see actual sound file below : https://www.divshare.com/download/24722655-972 PayPal as Gift or your take care of fees Please PM offers Cheers
  16. It doesn't stand up against their "other" ; which is not how a 45 should be judged, but can be the case............so if a New Yorkers gets played, its always the "other" one................
  17. The point being I have doubts that's where it was "found" - I am suspecting it was placed and the charming story invented ........
  18. Is this the copy concerned : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsyxzeXKhIo
  19. I think until someone with a defo 60ts copy comes forward with full (comparison) details, this copy will struggle by simply looking "to new" ............it doesnt seem to have sufferred any wear at all, even being amongst the other and does look to have been placed there...........only a minor indicator, but what dates were all the other records in the box............. So we need someone to step forward and give a comparison / opinion ..............
  20. Thanks for the input - consensus seems to be nobody has evidence of it ever happening ........
  21. Might be worth people giving the ratio of what they think is played, Rare / Expensive / Hard To Find v Common / Cheap / Easy To Find I'd say, in my (limited) experience about 95% to 1-5% for main name djs
  22. Recently a friend commented : " I'm thinking of renting mine out (45s), we all know it goes on" Is it a common practice for djs to rent someone else's tunes and play them out ? I wouldn't have thought it common but does it happen ? Or do some djs borrow other peoples 45s and play those out ?
  23. Its well known and established that Northern Soul was the phrase coined for the style of music featured in the clubs based in the North of England (feel free to elaborate) and became used across the country. What do the two terms Northern Soul and Rare Soul mean to you today ? Are they one and the same or something very different ?

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