Hard to feel sorry for anyone doing something out of choice.
Technology has made it far easier to look for records without traveling. However that same technology means almost anyone can find values on records with a few simple searches. There are also all the research and guide books. Buyers and perhaps more importantly Sellers can quickly be aware of market rates.
Finding bargains is therefore more challenging; unless you are maybe able to spend time in USA searching thrift stores and yard sales etc ie direct at source, prior record research. In this arena I still hear of 45s picked up of $ 1 a time......
As the thread focused on collecting, there will be loads and loads of 45s that are not sought by djs and if they focus on those many can still be picked up cheap in the £ 1 - £ 10 mark.
As collecting implies complete runs of labels, at some point they will have to start looking at the bigger (wanted by dj's) tunes on the label and they will cost. You may get lucky on the odd one but you are unlikely to get lucky on loads... When I started out with Motown and related, this was true then and holds now........
So collectors can still build something great over time, but it takes time and the gaps are likely to be the rarer (more sought after) high value stuff......
Of course it all depends what style and era the collector focus is on, 60ts will be tougher than late 70ts as we know..........If you like a broad range collect things that are not in vogue.............