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Everything posted by sirshambling

  1. Vest was owned by Danny Robinson brother of Bobby and mainly had R & B releases like Wilbert Harrison, B "Buster" Brown and Charles Walker. The label started around 1958 and continued to the middle of the 60s. The Icemen 45 (which I still haven't found) was number 8008 and was among the last releases on Vest - 1965 or possible 1966. Hope this helps a little bit. John.
  2. Best of luck with new venture Sean. I'm sure you'll keep the standard up. First release now ordered. Best wishes, John
  3. Good morning all, If anybody has this one going spare Carol Fran "So Tired Of Crying" (Lyric) please PM me with price / condition. Thanks very much for looking. Best wishes, John.
  4. I'm not sure if Themroc is being sarcastic or not with his "Putting the politics back into the music at last!" but for me the article was both timely and appropriate. I don't think you can separate out music from the social or political context of its creation - and that is especially the case for Afro American music like soul during the Civil Rights struggles of the 60s and the huge inequalities of the Vietnam War. So I'm grateful to KenB for writing the article. I'm sorry there was no mention of the problems in Los Angeles during this period when Watts was ablaze for several days. For a very perceptive take on the causes of the problems in LA I don't think you can do better than Johnny Otis' excellent book "The Silence Of The Lambs". Finally from me I am surprised by Chess1458's use of the phrase "both sides" in his comment on this subject. I do not think it is either helpful or relevant here even if it is well meant. But I do agree with his view that it was a "dark time".
  5. Hi there, if anybody would like to part with either (or both) of these please let me know price and condition via PM. Money waiting. Thanks very much for looking. Best, John.
  6. I have 23-3 Johnny Schofield Foolish man / (I don't know why) But I Do The label owner??
  7. I'm pleased to say that Eric Foss has been as good as his word - he has refunded me a part of my Secret Stash subscription. I'm very grateful to Mark Bicknell for facilitating the proper outcome of this little episode and for standing in front of Secret Stash. Above and beyond I'd say.
  8. Thanks to Mark B for gtting the slumbering Secret Stash organisation to respond to concerns about their activities - or the lack of them. I'm grateful to Mr Foss as well for sending this update. However it is only a couple of weeks since I emailed Secret Stash and got no reply and so I have no confidence that they are getting "back on track". I now have no faith at all in the company so I have asked Mr Foss for a Paypal refund as he offers and will update this thread when - I almost typed out "if" - I receive the money.
  9. I have replied to Mark PM directly but I want to make a public reply as well. It appears I'm far from alone in having problems getting goods paid for years ago out of Secret Stash. I - and many others - took out subcriptions which Secret Stash have banked well over two years ago and yet they can't even be bothered to reply to people who contact them directly asking for explanations - these people have effectivly been funding the company itself during this period - so yes Andy Rix it must be very difficult to keep to a release schedule that lengthy but we gave our money in good faith to them. The least they could do is tell us where it has gone and where the releases are. My definition of a crook is somebody who takes money and then doesn't provide the goods they've advertised for sale. And so despite what you say Mark, at the moment I still feel quite justified in asking my question again. Are Secret Stash crooks? I'll continue to be hopeful the answer is no - but time will tell.
  10. I've got the Southern Artists 45 Ady - no idea what condition its in. I'll dig it out and have a look.
  11. Has anybody got this CD from Secret Stash? I know two other people apart from myself who ordered all the Secret Stash One-Der-Ful CDs by subscription and have never received their Midas label CD. I've emailed them several times about this - no reply. Are these people crooks? If not how do I and the others go about getting the CDs that we've paid for from them if they don't answer emails?? Thanks for any help. John.
  12. I met David Johnson at Charly records offices when he came over to do the deal on South Camp / Quinvy I remember asking him about the Sandra Wright sessions and he said they were never issued on an LP by Stax. But I suppose it's possible that test pressings were made. But I'll only believe it when I see a copy.
  13. Hi Michael that's really kind of you - I'm very grateful. I've not heard "Night Walker" but the flip is superb - much better than the Simco retread. Love the coincidence of the recording location! Do let me know if I can send you anything in return. Best wishes, John.
  14. Hi Michael, Only just seen this - thanks very much for replying. I've got "How It Feels" thanks very much but am now in need opf "Night Walker". Got the deep flip but not that top side. If you have that one I'd love an MP3 if you can provide it. I think that just about does it for the secular material and the others guys (John Glassburner and Karl Tsigdinos) are gospel freaks as I'm sure you know and they tell me they've got all his Church material. Hope to hear from you soon. Best, John.
  15. Hi Gilly, Yes I have that one thank you. Steve - did your son have the track we need? Can anybody else help please? Thanks. Best, John
  16. Hi, Some friends and I are in contact with Gene Toon (the correct spelling BTW) and will be publishing his full story including his astonishing gospel career on-line soon. Sadly as is so often the case, he doesn't have any of his recordings so we are looking to put them together on a couple of CDs for him. We have all his tracks bar the flip to "What More Do You Want" entitled "How It Feels". Does anybody have this as an MP3? Would anybody be willing to send it to me so we can include it on Mr Toon's CDs? Many thanks for any help. Full credit given of course. Best wishes, john.
  17. Hi, If anybody has a copy of this they're willing to part with please let me know condition / price by PM. Thanks very much. Best, John.
  18. Hi Fklock, If you're thinking of selling this 45 I'd very much like to buy it. Please let me know by PM. Many thanks. Best wishes, John.
  19. Hi, If anybody has got this one for sale please let me know price / condition. Thanks very much. Best, John.,
  20. If anybody has one of these for sale please PM me with price and condition. Thank very much.
  21. A friend of mine Andy Aitchison and I have been putting together a Zeke Strong discography for a few years now. One day we'll publish it I guess. We'd love to add a biography of the man too but info is just about impossible sadly.
  22. Can't get the link for the soundfile of the JB Green 45. Can you please check it. Thank you.
  23. Hi, If you can part with a copy of this one please PM me with price condition. Ta very much. John.
  24. Hi, If anybody is willing to part with this one could you please PM me with price and condition. Many thanks. Best wishes, John

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