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Mark S

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Everything posted by Mark S

  1. Plenty of thread drift yet methinks .
  2. I prefer a nice comfy pair of court shoes and a facinater but only on a Tuesday
  3. This is the sort of stuff that got me into this mess in the first place . Beautiful smooth soulfull dance music no daft pants no light up shoes silly hats or stupid slogans . By and large I agree with Joey apart from the bit about boots they have no place at all . I love original vinyl it has a provenance a tangible link to a certain point in time and for that reason it has a value not neccersarily monetary something far deeper a romantic notion I know . I think for a small soul night legit issues are allright no one is being decieved . the rarest of sounds now are so accesable with cds and the internet that if you are looking for authenticity choose your venues wisely .
  4. Try the producers of Strictly I think Anton du Beke is at a loose end on friday
  5. Few times I went Parralels Barathea Blazer with at least six buttons up the sleeves top button fastened Royal Brogues button down shirt and a tie . Early to mid 70s quite long hair at the time as well
  6. Reminds me of a holiday in Torquay they were live at the 400 Club near the harbour . The next day spent a drunken afternoon in the compàny of a certain Martyn Ellis .
  7. Taken on the carpark at Ikea in Ashton . Just taken with my phone . I am useless with an actual camera .
  8. I wouldnt slag off anybodys taste in music many of these lowest common denominator sounds are the entry point for a lot of people and I hope they have as much fun with them as I did 40 odd years ago . Tastes evolve over the years allthough I love some of these sounds and the memories associated with them I really dont want to hear them when I go out .
  9. Me in 74 at some dingy hole on Station rd . I,m the one in the grey trousers and dodgy jumper not the one in the dress
  10. They have there soul music we have our soul music
  11. Betty Wright Edwin Starr Junior walker Jackie Wilson Jimmy Thomas promoting a single Creative Source promoting a single Tommy Hunt Thats all I can recall
  12. Not Malcolm Lear from Sockport his spins were legendary and could take half the floor out
  13. Bickering has been a part of this scene since the year dot and the needle first fell on Scratchy by Travis Wamack and folks said WTF its all part of the fun
  14. "Sounds of our youth " all depends on when your youth was . The soul scene spans over 50 years thankfully DJs have driven it and unearthed some wonderfull stuff during that time , Just because we are not all dancing doesnt mean we dont appreciate the effort or like the music . My journey started about 69 in the youth clubs around Manchester with sounds filtering down from the Wheel . Then later going to the Pendulem allways hearing new to my ears sounds we couldnt get enough of it . Later on the likes of Richard Searling , Colin Curtis and Ian Levine breaking new sounds the scene was progressive . I enjoy now playing catch up with the music from the Stafford era I never went unfortunately . I cannot abide the poorly dressed Casino re- enactment society , the adverts dancing on the comedy carpet and all the bollocks that go with it . The scene has allways beem fluid and to quote some hackneyed old overated pop song " It will never be over for me "
  15. My name is Mark and I am a soul snob
  16. Brilliant someone thrashing about to the Salvadors next to someone groovin to Kurt Harris
  17. Same old same old every night For me thats a pile of shite Not very poetic I know Nowt but oldies I wont go
  18. Took this at work earlier this evening as the sun was going down
  19. Memories they will be our undoing .I dont have much of a collection but its like a photo album to me I am 61 most of my stuff is from the early days and reminds me of people, places and happy times .
  20. Every day is a school day , and today I have learnt that Ben Sherman dont have a clue and apparantly we have a dance champion whoopee do
  21. Get it baby . Stanley Mitchell Who said romance is dead
  22. Try the Shredded Wheat forum
  23. Perigrine falcon such a shame this one is in captivity because of a lung problem its unable to fly . Taken at Paradise park in Hayle
  24. A small funghi and a small fun guy

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