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Mark S

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Everything posted by Mark S

  1. A dreadfull souless dirge fit for room 101 .
  2. And thats why I would be a useless DJ because Jimmy Caster Its just begun is the best record to start any set anywhere regardless of genre fact
  3. Lee Dorsey was a boxer .
  4. Horses for courses each to their own etc but those three would have me running to the door not the dancefloor .
  5. Linda Jones fantastic but the O Jays for me everytime
  6. Anyway how about ultrasonic cleaning ? Personally prefer lukewarm water and washing up liquid .
  7. A cracking list of oldies classic tunes that were for the most part massive forty odd years ago , since then the scene has evolved and embraced many different styles and tempos . All good stuff though a lot depends on context , atmosphere , venue and company etc . Above all enjoy what you like but dont be afraid to dip your toe into the murky world of the more obscure and underplayed stuff you might just suprise yourself .
  8. Thats it you have lit the blue touch paper now
  9. The soul scene is more complex than Brexit not just musically , politically we have been having the same arguements for the last 40 odd years and still not resolved them All good fun though
  10. Here you go Grahame propper Northern enjoy
  11. Big sounds were so 40 years ago tons of brilliant stuff out there of equal quality and dancibility ( is that a word ?) we all know where a northern tune is going so just get up and dance , be open minded and above all enjoy it . As for CD and mp3s played out not the way it should be done .
  12. Nowadays you can get legit copies of most sounds on cds etc so for playing at home car etc sorted . Boots are just wrong and should carry no value at all . As for the sentencing its theft and deception do the crime do the time .
  13. Sleeve notes on the back of MFPs Junior Walker Shotgun LP . " Music from the heart for the feet " sums it up nicely .
  14. Very sad news RIP Grant
  15. Just to throw you a curved ball my tenor guitar only four strings
  16. Never really understand the need to write bpoks about the scene its not like any one outside of it is interested and if you were there you know allready . Having said that much better than the sugar coated one that Uncle Russ put out quite a few years back .
  17. Utter crap for the re-invent your youth brigade . I,m all outraged now cheers
  18. I will probably be slated but really dont give a toss about new blood go out to get away from kids .
  19. And its dead dead good
  20. Look at the flyer if it says keep the faith anywhere on it avoid it like the plague , that will be probably 90% of venues . And DJs grow a pair and push some boundarys .
  21. Perfectly articulated Sir
  22. It probably did Len and in the following few years the music expanded just look at the wonderfull diversity that Stafford brought about . But I take Joeys points , maybe its the exuburence of youth but in the early seventies from that initial rush of exitement of being a part of something very special 1975 it hit the buffers its hard to explain but it changed . As I have said in a previous post it still has the ability to suprise me and allthough I dont get out much still enjoy it.
  23. After TOTPs and the tourists the genie was out of the bottle never the same after .
  24. Denton soul club last year I think it was Dave Beech played a storming set about 75 percent of it was new to me the flloor was full , on the odd occasion that happens for me the scene is in a pretty good shape . Cant be doing with all the nostalgia shite and reliving our youth. I am still in my youth only 62 not finnished yet
  25. No blurred lines as far as I am concerned , the whole soul thing is a broad church quallity should be the defining factor such a lot of good stuff from all eras just a shame that some dont get it .

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