Ooooo me ears !! heard a bloke today in Buxton playing a barrel organ,he was dressed in victorian gear and playing some Andrew Lloyd Webber tune I was disgusted so should I have told him original punched cards only ?. Thank you confused of Stockport
Sorry if you took offence if you can get away with baggies fair play to you I know that if I wore them now I would look like Spongebob .
But they say you look great in a circle skirt Pete
To me the term R&B was given to describe a type black popular music and is still used for that today , is it soul ? well I suppose it is if your definition of soul is the music that amplifies the black experience .
As ever most pop music is crass and serves comercialism but if you scratch beneath the surface true soul is still there our scene has relied on that principle for years the future looks bright
I,ll probably get hung for this but here goes ...........
Who wants to look at pictures of balding overweight middle aged old gits dancing we may have looked cool 30 years ago but now we just look like uncle Knobhead at a wedding
As for baggies and circle skirts dont get me started .............arghhhhh ....time for a Magoo and a lie down .
I have watched this thread for a while and seen it develop into a Northern soul snobfest brilliant
A northern soul snob is one who looks down on those who enjoy the nostalgia events .
A northern soul snob is one who refuses to aknowledge anything modern or post 79 .
Which ever side of the fence your on if you are into Northern you are a snob I,m afraid it goes with the teritory .
Its not peurile or counter-productive its fun it brings back memories and if we are honest there were and still are some awful sounds being played
Music is fun dont take it to seriosly mate
I remember the Gordons gin one getting a play at the Casino it didnt go down to well .
Suprised no one,s mentioned Classical Gass very twisted also Cochise imposible dancer
Love reputation - Just like the weather or was that just the same backing track ?
My dad used to say it all sounds the bloody same
Most modern soul - the love boat theme only joking .
Just read this entire thread and the memories came flooding back I loved a lot of these twisted tunes , We just danced to stuf without predjudice back in the day it was a good laugh .
Here,s one DC Larue - Cathederals
Ila Vann - Cant help lovin dat man of mine ...............shooopy da doop doop wayhayay shoooby do pop pop pop pop pop oh yeah . bleeding awful .
That Winstanly bloke has got a lot to answer for
I have always loved instrumentals but could never understand what made them soulfull but even now after 30 odd years when I hear the sax break in Thumb a Ride it never fails to get me right there , thats soul .
Least soulful Simon Sousans awful stylophone instrumentals .
Tuesday Tiffanies in Ashton very slippy floor I used to fall over a lot
Thursday Blue rooms Sale
Friday Samantha,s Shefield
Saturday Wigan Casino
Sunday Any Alldayer loved the Ritz .
Wow Alan what a great memory you have Stockport and Manchester were buzzin in those days . Blazes on portwood always left just before it closed I used to get beaten up there for some reason very few of my mates would go at the time .
The Pendulem Manchester Sports Guild I went a few times on a friday IIRC . Barry Tasker still does a bit around Stockport .
Malcolm Lear and lord thunder brilliant I remember him taking about six dancers out at Fairy,s social club with one of his legendary flailing spins what a guy is he still around ?
The Blue rooms in Sale a very cool warm up for the coming weekend . Rowntrees wasnt there two venues one near Victoria station and one in Spring gardens ? I remember some sounds being played but not a definitive n/s night or did I just dream it . Happy times
David Morris - Snap crackle and pop - for erm...................
Spilt milk - elegant shades-Bounty kitchen roll
You hit me right where it hurt me -Had an accident not your fault?.
I very rarely get out to soul events due to work so with the time I have I go to the odd scooter rally the soul that gets played at these events is usually predictable lowest common denominator stuff but still soul music.
Usually by the time I hit the floor I,m to pissed to care does that make me less of a soulie ?
I would quite happily dance to the snake in my local does that make me less of a soulie ?
There is nothing wrong with nostalgia events does that make me less of a soulie ?
Progresive/modern soul is great does that make me less of a soulie ?
I dont want to dance in a shopping centre does that make me less of a soulie ?
I fucking hate the term soulie and the idea that we need to qualify and analyse and prove our credentials I personaly dont give a f*** . KTF
Barry you are very subversive watch out for the soul snobs and soul police they are everywhere