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Mark S

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Everything posted by Mark S

  1. Quite laughable really are these so called cutting edge upfront DJs trying to push the boundaries ? The boundaries are quite simple play decent soul music not difficult is it ?
  2. Most stuff by Terry Callier dont know why though , Millie Jackson - House for sale what a misserable dirge , Colour him father - propper finger in throat get me a bucket please sentimental crap .
  3. Di-late - williams and watson
  4. Chilled out great tunes
  5. Salvadors if that dont work stuff em the,re never gonna get it
  6. Sorry no info but what an incredible version . I have it on Soul / Fantastic Four not a patch on Chucks .
  7. Have a good one Barney I,m off to Roughleys bikeshow in Stockport no soul lots of music though. Its great fun watching outlaw bikers dancing to ska
  8. Great vocals great classic backing track but together ? no way, as for playing it out at a NS event behave .
  9. The wheel before my time Didnt say there wasnt any scoots just I dont recall seeing any
  10. What are you on about did you not read my post ? Whats childbirth got to do with it ? a kick in the balls is more painfull we dont ask for another one
  11. Hi Nik you know me Mr M of SBW , Never realy understood the conection between scooters and NS . think its more a case of some soulies ride scooters . Dont recall any scooters outside soul venues pre 1979 . I remember mods turning up at soul events because they thought thats what mods do . But the mods are a whole different subject with thier own latterday comedy born again element Last time I used the term comedy mod on this forum I got threatened
  12. I am 55 years old and have more get ups behind me than in front of me so I personally dont want to be looking back . The born again comment related specificly to scooter rallies and the blinkered lowest common denominator approach musically in any particular genre . Northern soul is part of scootering , scootering isnt part of the northern soul scene . I enjoy both scenes and have a totally different approach to them both . I dont feel at all agrieved or anoyed by these patches/ badges etc because if you are a scooterist that doesnt like northern soul and has it foisted on him/her at every rally or event then yes northern soul is wank .
  13. Its not just the Northern at scooter rallies thats dire the whole music policy is dated , driven partly by the born again brigade wanting to relive thier youth .
  14. Cajun music stomps from the swamps that,ll sort the men from the boys
  15. One dancer that stands out from the Pendulem days Malcolm Lear unique in every sense of the word .
  16. What makes a great dancer is someone who enjoys it nowt to do with showing off and fancy footwork , ultimately its the pleasure that comes from dancing and if that comes across that is a great dancer . When how you dance becomes more important then you may as well wrap it and take up ballroom .
  17. I do that my mrs just looks and rolls her eyes at the dishrack full of 45s still makes a change from scooter parts Hans good luck with e bay etc
  18. I bet its probably silicone spray , still wrong though , I would query how he grades his records and why he feels the need to decieve buyers . Or report him and try and get your money back
  19. There is no appeal for youngsters its their Dads/ Grandads scene full of unwriten rules . It would be great to see young people take soul music to heart and do it their way and create a whole new scene without us but I doubt that its going to happen in significant numbers
  20. This thread is completely mashing my head up I thought Ive been listening to the sound of black America for all these years My mum says Tom Jones has a black voice , so by that logic do all black singers sound Welsh ? Can a blue man sing the whites ? Besides Black Puddin Bertha didnt Bill Oddie sing something that got a few plays ? Brilliant thread BTW
  21. That would make a great playlist anytime Imagine an all white session , funny subject this many of my favorite soul sounds are by white artists although i didnt know tha back in the day . As I have said on another thread if a sound fits the template then its ok by me . If it quacks like a duck then its a duck
  22. So it becomes an even drearier dirge
  23. Each different genre of musichas a template that makes it instantly recognisable so if you hear a ska tune you know instantly what it is rock etc soul is no different , ok we can be all sentimental and talk about feelings etc but that doesnt explain soulful instrumentals . So for me soul is just a tag to label a particular musical style .
  24. Retro acts are just that , acts . I struggle to find the words to explain , Music has to have context its a reflection of an time and a place these new acts although good are mimicing what went before , its already been done better and in context . I think I may have given myself a headache
  25. The policy is quality , that allways gives me a chuckle Who thinks this shite up .

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