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Mark S

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Everything posted by Mark S

  1. Sounds like a really piss poor B side of a really piss poor pop song dreadfull contrived nonsense. Soul music with the odd exception is Black American and amplifies the black experience, not some unknown white wannabee chancer trying to cash in
  2. There is Northern soul tv channel on youtube at the begining of his videos says something like if you see youself on the video and you're not happy tell me and you will be edited out. This smacks of arrogance and entitlement and certainly no consideration for the comfort of fellow punters just for likes or views. So wrong
  3. During the Wigan Casino panel event Tim Brown made a very good point to paraphrase " Everyone has their own version of Wigan Casino" likewise we all have our own version of the NS scene depending on your history depth of involvement etc. The genie is well and truly out of the bottle now. I could spend forever getting bent out shape over it but its pointless, futile and frustrating. One way to get things a little bit better would be to ban people from videoing or photography at events and to promote those events as camera free. From the very early days the scene has shunned the media and evolved without intrusion and many of us took pride in its eliteism and exclusivity. This may not go down to well but I have never cared about getting new blood on the scene and if it dies with me so be it. With more get ups behind me than in front of me going to enjoy myself my own way be selective about where I go and ignore the dross and pretend it's 72
  4. Just watched this, it's unbelievable that people take this seriously. Saw nothing exceptional there 50 years ago most dancers at any club could have wiped the floor with this lot. Dancing to great tunes is about losing yourself in the music and shouldn't matter how you dance and whether you are better than the next person is irrelevant.
  5. Not at nighters, even now I don't drink at soul nights I have scooters and if I am at a rally and there's a Northern room I'm pissed as a fart
  6. Duraphet green and brown iirc, Filon, and Chalkies not sure if this was some sort of valium didn't use much myself but early days it was plentiful in 1975 Chemists got wise and more security aware. Knew a couple of Stockport lads that did time for doing chemists
  7. Pre 75 pharmaceutical nicked as Roburt mentioned. Never touched the backstreet stuff didn't trust it. Saw a few people along the way cranking gear and then moving on to other stuff, lost a few mates far too young made me question if it was worth it. So most my nighter experiences were gear free. Now at 67 the only sulphate is glocousomine.
  8. Funny isn't it years ago we were. all discussing encouraging new blood on the scene, well now we have it wether its people reinventing their youth or young people just starting out. Either way it's being done differently, personaly can't stand dance competitions or the publicity and over exposure most being orchestrated and exploited by greedy people on the scene who should know better. Be careful what you wish for
  9. Ritz alldayer Ric Tic review me like an idiot completely stoned spent the whole time in the toilet cubicle with the abb dabs, just caught All Kent think he was the last act
  10. The Idea that Wigan Casino was,/is detrimental to the scene seems a bit odd to me the place was of its time and ran its course Peoples narrow attitudes and a desire to re-live and re-invent their youth backed up by money grabbing promoters that will exploit the nostalgia feeding frenzy is definitely more detrimental.
  11. Wigan Casino the " mecca" of Northern soul allways makes me smile. As for the play my natural cynicism has kicked in so I'll shut up
  12. Really enjoyed this makes a change to watch something thats honest and doesn't pander to the normal ill informed distorted narative. Well done Joan and thank you
  13. I have asked people not to photograph me but I feel I shouldn't have to. I don't get out often and dont want the night spoiling by videos or photos. One of the YouTube contributers has a bit on his videos where you can request to be excluded after the event cheeky git
  14. Hi again John we spoke on the Wigan aniversary site I'm Mark Sadler your memory is far better than mine this could possibly be one of my first visits to the Casino I know it was during the 2am starts I was 17.
  15. Never really thought of these as rules just manners and respect thats what set us apart from the normal night club crowd. For me it allways felt a bit anarchic and very exclusive, the fact that we didn't accept the dross that everybody else was demanding made it all the more special
  16. You're right and even within the nostalgia scene that understanding exists by and large. The main difference now is the need for publicity from You tube channels and daft dance tutorials. Puts me off going out if I am going to be filmed by some idiot. So a definate rule for me would be no publicity and no cameras
  17. Early 70s Manchester it was right of passage stuff " fit in or fcuk off." many of the venues and characters were downright scary. The current trend for nostalgia has re-written the history and sanitised the the whole thing to such an extent that it's unrecognisable. The whole point and attraction for me was that there were no rules.
  18. Personally I dislike the current trend of filming venues we had that Jud guy and now this fella . When I go out dont want to be dodging someone with a camera and have asked that they dont include me by and large they have been ok but I dont see why I have to when all I want is a night out . But violence or bullying has no place on our scene .
  19. Well thats started of my Coulrophobia again years of councilling undone in one thread
  20. Only met Simon a couple of times at scooter rallys a nice guy very sad news RIP
  21. Wow congratulations you have just got the award for the daftest post of the year
  22. Believe it or not soul music isnt that popular , whenever you see these list shows on the box like worlds greatest top 50 albums type things apart from Thriller there is never any black music albums . Black American music has allways had a raw deal , odd really when you look at the huge impact and influence its had on all genres of popular music .
  23. Five years thats flown by ,I venhemently opposed the idea of the film at the time as I recall thought it was a dreadfull idea ,how could they possibly get it right and the scene will get an influx of divs on the back of it . I was wrong . A good soundtrack a good story that captured the maniacal side of the early seventies very well I could relate to it . Burnsworth is still a shithole
  24. Predominatly white working class British kids loving collecting dancing to obscure ten year old music made by predominatly black working class American kids , thats a bit special and 40 odd years later I still cant explain it

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