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Mark S

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Everything posted by Mark S

  1. I tilt my hat to the side and walk with a limp , propper 70,s style
  2. Classical music is superficial , emotional and positive all at the same time Bollocks
  3. Got into scoots about 8 years ago got into soul about 40 years ago .
  4. Northern soul doesnt look stupid
  5. My point exactly its part of our youth and thats where it should stay .
  6. Why would anybody measure the bottom of their trousers ?
  7. The whole mod thing is oxymoronic modernists stuck in the sixties . Old men on auto scooters festooned with B&Q bathroom tat " we are the mods "
  8. Mark S

    Duck Dunn Rip

    A sad loss RIP
  9. I would never dream of telling anyone what to wear but I reserve the right to call them names and avoid them like the plague
  10. They look like complete and utter dickheads , a poorly costumed re-enactment society wrong on so many levels . A similar thing has been going on with the scooter scene for a few years the emergence of the comedy mod and the panto skin . Just embarassing when you see middle aged people hitting the dressing up box .
  11. Marvin knew a thing or two about music he would not like that
  12. More political more divided more genre,s , still fun though and forty years in still learning and hearing new stuff
  13. Have been doing the same thing myself and loving it . Also some of the lifeline stuff is incredible I really enjoy hearing new (to my ears ) things . Thanks Chalky , Dave Thorley and Andy Dyson brilliant work lads
  14. You lot got cloth ears or what ? its shite .
  15. There was I getting ready to go into grumpy old bloke mode ( kids on the scene why dont they find their own etc ) then I read this succint and to the point , you,ve got it mate
  16. Yesterday in the YMCA charity shop I picked up on Mowest Frankie Valli - The night 49p
  17. A unique talent best of luck,
  18. Nice one love that tune . allways gets me though when you see normal people dancing it looks out of context when you consider how we dance to this tune .
  19. In between the medioca were one or two good tracks but you could hear the barrel being scraped
  20. I have been called a soul snob , the proudest day of my life
  21. EWF bingley hall , RIC TIC review Ritz Alldayer , Tops & Temps Free trade hall ,Gill Scot Heron at an anti aparthied rally in the early 80s .
  22. Not Royals by any chance ? cant believe this a load of old blokes discussing shoes how very modern Whatever next man bags and guyliner
  23. Its all Tom Moultons fault
  24. That was far to complicated for me so I gave up
  25. Blue eyed soul team (BEST) from Italy do a great version of Gone with the wind is my love . and other classics . Lead vocalist is called Viola Roads . worth a look at

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