Nice one I shall enjoy reading them thanks . Always enjoyed Checkin out the north from Frank , never liked Daves writings though but will see how I get on with a more mature head .
Nice one and thanks Mike its the only soul site I bother with and it keeps me in touch with whats happening the depth of knowlege is staggering and the debates are fun
Great tune but ...........................................................................................................................seeing people dancing out of context ie in the street just looks daft .
Nice Idea Paul we have lost so many from Stockport over the years . Didnt know about Budgie or Sammy sad to read that .
Will check my shifts and hopefully make it .
Music should be played how it was originally presented anything less than that compromises the integrity of the scene . If a track isnt good enough then it should stand or fall by its merits no amount of twiddleing or tweaking is realy going to improve it .
Here she is with her hubby and son .
EEEK just realised this is a very old thread bags were probably in fashion when it started