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Mark S

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Everything posted by Mark S

  1. Who gives a toss Ray Agee one of the most exiting tunes ever call it what you want I call it brilliant
  2. Get it baby - Stanley Mitchell She blew a good thing - Poets Who said romance was dead ?
  3. There have been loads of crap records played thats down to the DJ,s and the punters that have supported such . WSOT is contrived pap that has no provenance or history and was deliberately produced for a specific reason . Ian Levine as a DJ back in the day one of my heroes but WSOT is just wrong and should never have been played out originally let alone being discused with a view to it being played out now . I appreciate that quality is subjective but there is so much quality stuff that does,nt get a look in . The thing is with NS music for me is that the records that I love were produced at a historical point in time the style and production reflects that and as such there is a tangible link and that adds quality and value tailor made records lack that IMO .
  4. NO NO and thrice NO
  5. Chugs along like a train .......................................................................should have hit the buffers years ago
  6. Probably would but it doesnt alter the fact that it is a quality soul record that has stood the test of time in our circles at least .
  7. Definitive answer - Pharrel Williams - Happy = pop Velvet Hammer - Happy = poop William Bell - Happy = propper soul music now behave you lot
  8. So you would have one person shuffleing away to Kurt Harris whilst someone else is chucking themselves about like an eejit to the Salvadores now that would be fun
  9. Three Caps - Hello Stranger Jay and the Tecniques - Singles game Otis Leavill - Let her love me Montclairs - Unwanted love Ben E King - Dont drive me away Nothing special but to me they are
  10. Found this online somewhere taken in 74 thats me in the brown jumper with heads on it and grey trousers
  11. That used to happen at the Blue rooms in Sale Colin C would play the latest stuff Dave Evison would roll up play a set of established northern it worked well for me I dont see a reason why it should,nt work today . And that was the mid seventies the very era the time warp soulies are so in awe of
  12. In the words of George Clinton " Funk is its own reward " Love it
  13. An old Casino play still hear it played out occasionaly always gets me up one of my altime favorites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EInlgYRoQ3Q
  14. Propper oldie nice one brought back some memories cheers
  15. The southern soul CDs 1-3 on ace are effing amazing, Ditto these are just superb
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L5kr3Nrliw This,ll probably kill the thread LUV xxxx Mark XXXX @@ ~ XXXXXX
  17. Song titles are crucial if a certain song was called ....A cautionary tale about rescueing frozen reptiles on your way to work one morning ......................................................
  18. Its gonna be huge Lets just hope it does,nt catch on
  19. Seriosly hope thats not the future two godawfull tracks nailed together
  20. "Propper soul night " I had a chat with the regular dj he was as gobsmacked as I was what amazed me was folks were dancing
  21. Correctamundo he also played an odd version of You,re gonna make me love you . otherwise a good night
  22. Its doomed went out last night the DJ played Eloise by Barry Ryan and the fookers danced to it dont know wether he thought he was being a bit leftfield or just had balls of steel .
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMRLrf4pNn4 Cut my soul teeth on stuff like this

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