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Mark S

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Everything posted by Mark S

  1. I never wanted anyone to portray the scene as it is I just want them all to leave it alone the attention was never wanted or needed in the first place .
  2. Wont make any difference to me just fail to see the point in the whole venture . As for Elaine has put a lot into it big deal nobody asked for it , the one show was bad enough its only going to get dafter . Those that are enthusiastic about the film have a good think about why you got into the scene in the first place .
  3. Its there but you cant see it , its underground . I, ll get me leather coat .
  4. These podcasts have played a vital part in my soul education I missed the Stafford era marriage kids etc over the last couple of years I,ve been listening to these and am realising more and more the rich diversity of the Northern scene Oh and the Lifeline stuff fcuking wow Thanks Chalky
  5. Sad news RIP Boba ,
  6. Wheel shut in 72 and no amount of calling somewhere the Wheel alters that fact . The legacy that the club left is something we all enjoy to this day , Dont have any problem with the music policy if people enjoy it thats great but to kid yourselfs its still the Twisted Wheel is stretching it a bit far .
  7. Should do a Placemate 7 revival the funk room at the top was amazing
  8. Dancing butterbeans in baggies ,the One show , the dance like yer dad kids all over the place at every opportunity , dance offs with bleedin morris dancers and then that bloody film and all the shite that will accompany it Zoe is nowt compared to that .
  9. Mark S


    DJ skill dont make me laugh twiddleing a few knobs and cueing a record hardly brain surgery is it .
  10. From what I see the scene for want of a better word is to contrived , in the early days it just seened to evolve onto what it was now its retrospective with very little forward thinking . Even the handfull of youngsters around are apeing what has gone before . Midweek events would suit me less divs and handbaggers as for a focal point with the dominance of the weekenders and nostalgic nighters the focus has changed as has the scene .
  11. Dont need no woman to help me starve to death I can do that all by myself - Williams and Watson
  12. Ive got a little volcano about to erupt more than enough to fill your loving cup - MVP,s
  13. Pin point it down / feel like I,m falling in love again - The Fantastic four . Working on your case / Hold on -The O Jays
  14. Saw her last week on the Andrew Marr show quite bizzare watching Cameron and Farage groovin
  15. Mark S


    Rob Alias AKA Jive bunny FFS
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWsqiIokqOI Fusion This band do a brilliant reel version of Move on up cant find it on youtube though
  17. As long as they play some established tunes like the Hens march over the midden a reel oldie Hey nonny hey ho KO KO
  18. Mark S


    As for my post #19 the paper model was my gift to you to keep you occupied instead of the above rubbish Look mate the Northern soul scene has for the last 42 years of my life been about dancing to great music and having a laugh and thats it As for DJ,s .....well as long as they can get the needle in the groove without to much mither then I,m a happy chappy as are most on the scene , as for embracing technology why ? we are playing old music by old artists out of respect and deference to them it s only right that its played in the original format .
  19. Used to love the Blue rooms in Sale on a thursday night Levine and Curtis on the decks great sounds played , allways got the impression that they tried the new sounds out on us before the saturday night at the Mecca .
  20. pure class
  21. Its a crime that these great records dont get an airing they were an important part of the scene,s development in the mid seventies a fact that the timewarp soulies seem to be in denial about
  22. Ritz alldayers in the mid seventies tons of the stuff Hamilton Bohannan - Foot stomping music , Issac Hayes - Disco Connection , Brass Constuction - Van Mc Coy etc . Never hear this sort of stuff played out nowadays yet it was commonplace back then and very much a part of the NS Scene
  23. Mark S


    Are you lot smokin the crack pipe or something ? A DJ puts a sound on its either good or shite we dance or we dont , not bothered about BPM the record either moves you or it doesnt .
  24. I think if there was no Northern soul I would have to listen to ................https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02ViMh47F1E A northern soul

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