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Mark S

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Everything posted by Mark S

  1. For me Parliament - Mothership connection , Masterpiece - The Temptations and arguably the best album by anybody ever Curtis Mayfield - There's no place like America today .
  2. Its dreadful ,if I heard that at a soul do I would want my money back . Really wish so called dj,s would stop pissing about with stuff .
  3. Dressed to dance wtf does that mean ? rhetorical question . Don't trip over your baggies in the rush
  4. Some 40 odd years ago when I first got into it I would never have imagined that in 2015 both myself and the scene would still be around and for that I am eternally grateful , I would have thought that as we all matured and possibly got more sophisticated the scene would have evolved it,s dissapointing that it has,nt . Dont get me wrong still love going out when I can and usually have a good night but the poor costume re-enactment crowd and the media intrusions and You tube vids all lead to a feeling that the whole thing is being compromised to such an extent that it can only lead to its eventual demise .
  5. Sorry Zoe the beeb have never done us any favours cant see this venture being any different .
  6. Why are kids at a nightclub ?
  7. I really would have thought that the fame whores that encourage this sort of crap would by now realise that the general public dont give a flying fuck about the scene never have and never will . The scene happened in spite of the media why waste time cosying up to them they have done us no favours .
  8. Cops records etc from those days would be interesting reading .
  9. No explanation needed my comment was astute , incitefull and perfectly phrased .
  10. Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggggggg
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsFuZ4Lap4Q Pure unadulterated class . The Tammy Terrel track is also on the Marvin and Tammy Easy album as a duet what a stuuner
  12. Never heard any racism on the scene , Black mates back in the day just wer,nt interested in the Northern soul scene most of them said the music was old fashioned . Jazzy Jeff and Craig Charles are clueless gimps .
  13. Of course format matters with original vinyl there is provenance a tangible link to an era and the artist its so much more than just about the music . Modern day values have no part of the NS scene its almost as if there is an entitlement nowadays and every one can become the next big thing . I don't care if we are regarded as elitist or snobbish that's a good thing in my book and sets us apart .
  14. Guy round my way plays of MP3 and CDs " Let us know what you want me to play and I,ll download it for you " needless to say .................................. Thankfully there are still some DJs locally that still do things the right way
  15. "Population eight thousand and nine I,m leaving town cos you wont be mine " Sammy Ambrose - Welcome to Dreamsville
  16. Tommy Hunt popped on couple of posts then disappeared. RW must have got to him .
  17. Hardly the sharpest tool in the box are you ? . Never mentioned the nighter . Insult grow up .
  18. So Kev some poor bloke gets nutted at one of your events and you see it as an opportunity to tell the world that its the countrys most succesfull allnighter . Not a ounce of concern about the guy that got twatted . And you have the gall to say I make dickwad comments . Like I said don't go to Stoke . Not that I,m really that bothered just curious , how have I insulted the DJ,s ?
  19. Moral of the story dont go to Stoke . Welcome to the forum btw .
  20. Because of an EU directive to harmonise the experience of a Youtube viewer and a punter who is actually there so the aforementioned is not handicapped by the lack of lumens .
  21. Nice to see the Magnetics in there my favourite tune at the moment. Enough there to keep me on the floor and you have even included a toilet break with the French Fries . Nice one Pete .
  22. I should have added the caveat" and I like it "
  23. If I walked in a venue and they were playing Rudy Love - Suffering Wrath I would think I was in an upfront ( at least to me ) venue . If they were playing the champion I would,nt its that simple to me if its rare or underplayed and just that bit different then its good .
  24. Pure class RIP Percy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spG0EoYycxQ

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