Sixty one this year been around since the very early seventies before the term Northern soul was even uttered . So much of the scene I dont like now from the public displays on the comedy carpet at Blackpool , the badly dressed Wigan Casino re-enactment society , the adverts , Juds Northern soul on youtube and a host of other internet related crap .
I only get out ocasionaly but always happy see old friends , Still get excited when I hear new to my ears sounds , dont realy care if the scene carries on or not when I,m gone .
If my wife was into the scene and my circumstances (job etc ) permitted I would love to still be going to nighters every opportunity allthough would be very choosy about where I would go .
We have lost a few on the way but despite our ages the scene is still fairly healthy albeit a bit stuck in a timewarp but thats down to some DJ,s being complacent and some punters happy to settle for the lowest common denominator .
As I shuffle into my dotage I would like to see the emphasis on quality just good soul music with a smattering of Funk played from the heart in good quality venues not a pair of baggys or a handbagger in sight .