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Mark S

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Mark S last won the day on June 10 2024

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About Mark S

  • Birthday 27/09/1956

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    Sunny Stockport
  • Top Soul Sound
    Run for cover

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  1. I am a crap dancer do I need lessons ? No , I'm great at being a crap dancer . Looks like the Divs have won . A few years ago we were all discussing New Blood well this is what it looks like . Be careful what you wish for folks .
  2. Nice selection, stand outs for me American Gypsy Angel eyes and Baby Huey Hard Times . Quite pleasantly surprised that Mr Weller hasn't gone down the lowest common denominator route .
  3. Tk max Denton quite a bit of rare groove and funk . Yeah I know it's not Northern but great soul nonetheless
  4. Went to college with Carl and remember talking sounds with him, used to go to his house in Levenshulme and be amazed by his records and knowledge. Lost touch after he had moved to Middleton. My deepest condolences to Maria.
  5. We all come onto the scene at different times and I appreciate that, and that gives us differing perspectives. I am old and opinionated and do reminisce about my youth and that may seem boring to you. Many younger people have discovered a ready made scene and have missed the excitement of the scene evolving it was awesome at the time and has shaped our lives in a way that subsequent generations couldn't possibly imagine. I make no apologies for my outlook and if it frustrates you so what. The Northern soul scene is so divided at the moment posts like yours dont help there is room for everybody that loves the music and has good intent. Enjoy the music after all it's supposed to be fun.
  6. The idea of making Northern soul accessible to people that might not be into the genre puzzles me and I can't help but find the narative a bit sad and a reflection of a lost generation that has no identity. The protest bit got me, the scene for me in the early days was just an evolution of working class culture from Skinhead/Suedehead to Soulboy no protest movement just seamless unconscious change. There is an uncomfortable hint that the scene is racist and this shows a lack of understanding . My black mates at the time wouldn't be seen at a Nothern soul event to them the music was old fashioned many preferred Reggae or Funk. Don't think in 50 odd years time it will have had the same impact on their lives as it has on many of ours a shame really for a lost generation.
  7. http://BBC News - Meet the young DJs keeping Northern Soul alive https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cd11gzqpwyko An interesting take, don't know if the link works but its on BBC news
  8. Early days lots of slower and mid tempo stuff from the likes of Major Lance, Otis Leavill and of course the Impressions wasn't all stompers some propper melodic soul got played out. Mid 70s these new sounds were recent releases with a funkier disco type vibe caused quite a stir at the time and divided opinion. Used to go to Sale Mecca the Blue Rooms Ian Levine and Colin Curtis used to play a lot of this stuff on a Thursday night I am convinced that they played these sounds to guage reaction prior to Saturdays at the Highland room
  9. Meanwhile whilst we are all gnashing our teeth and moaning the Out on the floor okey cokey baggy brigade are having a great time keeping the faith. "Oi mate you got the snake?"
  10. Hope not "Northern soul trousers" eh..? Makes me cringe when for a scene thats been going on since God were a lad that they focus on some dodgy fashion choices that we made for a couple of years 50 years ago.
  11. Go out to get away from kids and phones and all the Tic Toc, Instagram and youtube shite that goes with it. And dont get me started on the entitled tosspots that like to go to events and video everything.
  12. From Prince Buster to Prince Philip Mitchell then in 75 the tourists arrived not been the same since
  13. Despite Toots and the Maytalls Reggae got soul still dont want it at a soul do.
  14. Commented on one of her videos with similar sentiments to you and was told to " Shut the f#&k up" classy!!. Comedy soulies
  15. Morris dancing to Just like the weather, could work you know

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