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Everything posted by Linda4me

  1. Don't buy British unless you've won the lottery
  2. There is one on evilbay at the moment 36hrs left latest bid over £500
  3. Have mailed the seller there is no picture sleeve with his copy ?? didn't say why
  4. £300+ already still 6 days left
  5. Forgot to say "What a track" stomperooonnnnie
  6. Genuine release just a few years too late from when recorded can i up my earlier estimation to £450
  7. Mint copy of "Love Starved Heart" on Tamla on Ebay what will it go for (not what it's worth?) i reckon £350+
  8. Not the first time this has happened be nice to know who it is
  9. I am tempted to get it,who is doing the best deal ? I think amazon is post free thanks
  10. Johnny Moore - Walk Like a Man - Date W/D
  11. Brilliant track by a truly beautiful artist oozes class
  12. Barbara Mcnair - It Happens Every Time
  13. The Patrick Bradley Just one more chance
  14. I'll give you £15 for it Pete
  15. Dynamics - Aint no sun - Cotillion W/D
  16. Fuc*in brilliant
  17. Couldn't have put it better myself
  18. Bring it on,looks great
  19. Duke Browner what a track a bit too dear for me though
  20. My mate used to have Richard Domars catalogue for around a fiver i think and a couple of times a year or so he'd send out updates as his stock changed new arrivals on white A4 sheets and a pale coloured one with records that had been sold,anyway my mate rings Mr Happy and tries to order a record and after a while back came the reply its on the blue/pink ?? sheet your a fu**ing idiot my mate replied no i ain't im colour blind you cu**
  21. Sorry if this has already been done,I reckon a contender must be Wanting You-April Stevens ?? I believe this was first aired in a musical called New Moon on Christms Eve in Philadelphia 1927
  22. Been after this for a while and it just arrived J T CARTER - CLOSER TO YOUR HEART - PINK DECCA DEMO
  23. Looks like all three programmes start again at midnight so no early doors ( check the times just to make sure )
  24. proper northern imo cant stop playing it in the car

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