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Everything posted by Linda4me

  1. Thanks,that's the one what a brilliant track
  2. Hi All,none of these tracks here are the 1st 5 lines and its deffo uptempo If i could be reborn Once again honey i would choose you It's not enough to love you one lifetime With you i think i would need at least two So how,how can you say that i dont love you,i dont love you honey thanks Bob
  3. Hi All, I think the opening line is "If i could be reborn"??? what is the title and is it on vinyl??? thanks
  4. Any soundfile ??
  5. How many versions of this are there?? Did Billy Gordon sing on one and Dennis Edwards on another ive also heard there is another singer on a third ??
  6. A brilliant piece of music but is it worth a grand??? I was prepared to pay a lot more than i did for mine but was lucky to get a mint- copy for a lot less,it's up to the individual what the record is worth to them, I think it is class but also love "can't stop running away" on Mercury £30/40 on British
  7. Can you update the list please
  8. I have purchased off most dealers in the uk and your gradings are second to none All you can hope for is that the bloke has had second thoughts about buying the records in which case he/she should be honest about the reasons an not bulls*** about your gradings I seem to remember someone tried to switch a record on you before (female if my memory serves me right??) I hope its not happening this time
  9. The price of British stuff has gone f***ing barmy the pieces im after ive given up on getting because i wont pay inflated prices Timi has fetched a grand or more a couple of times to my knowledge
  10. Did someone add the "o" by mistake on the buisness card
  11. No way could he be in the same league as Richard
  12. I know that some songs remind you of things that have happened or places you have been but is it REALLY POSSIBLE to have a favorite Northern track that you think stands out above all others ??? I've racked my brains out and every time i think ive found that elusive track that stands head and shoulders another pops up ?? Is there really a track that has it all
  13. Hope you all got what you wanted Merry Christmas to all
  14. Benzine is one of my faves love hearing it played out
  15. They played "A change gonna come" this morning on radio2 What a heartstring tugger
  16. Will you do free post as well and discount for cash ??
  17. Harry Starr - Another time another place - on End heard it on cd then went and bought it
  18. Blimey £2.00 that's a real bargain
  19. British stuff has gone crackers i dont buy many now unless its the right price p.s.anyone got a mint Hoagy Lands on Stateside
  20. Went with my missus last night to the Light House In Wolves and watched the film,Inever went to Wigan but have been into the music/scene for over 35 years a bloke said "Load of Boll****" as the film ended but im sure that most people on here can relate to the film in some way ?? ok the dance off was cringeworthy and naff more original dance footage would have been good ,the dying fly routine?? i remember going to Civic/Wulfrun hall some years ago and a bunch of knob heads did the pogo in a dance comp an won lps as a prize Anyway it aint a film for the purists just a love story with a genre of music wrapped around it.
  21. Me neither,im going friday:thumbup:
  22. First showing fri 24th sept 6pm second showing 8.20pm runs for a week :thumbsup:
  23. Yes,a brilliant track but on the whole the cd is poor
  24. Had an e-mail from amazon saturday saying it had been shipped ?? and another today saying the cd had been reduced in price to £6.99 so ive save 2 quid

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