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Martyn Pitt

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Everything posted by Martyn Pitt

  1. Out maggot drowning again then Steve We had 4 Hobby at the reserve last week, 3 of them juveniles they will soon be heading off back to Africa once all the Dragonflies have gone. Talking of which, a Migrant Hawker from the weekend
  2. Not long Chalky there were a few about perched on stems, just a case of sneaking around to the right position to get the angle on the shot.
  3. A different take on a Common Blue Damselfly .... "I can see you"
  4. The 7D is a good camera for the wildlife, and is capable of some great results. Time is always a bugger to find Steve
  5. Got the bug then Steve A few more shots from Sunday
  6. Yes Pete it's a Long Tailed Tit
  7. Judging by how steep your garden is there , are you sure they are not Mountain Goat
  8. A couple more airborne shots, a House Martin and an Oystercatcher There are several pairs of Oystercatchers at the reserve that have bred, this one was busy visiting the adjacent fields in the hunt for worms for the chicks
  9. Steve A pair of GCG courting (we have several on nests so it must have worked) We also have a pair of Little Grebe (or Dabchicks) sat on eggs And a good number of Tree Sparrows
  10. Hi Joan, nice to see the youngsters ... hard to imagine that if they survive those little fluffy things will be able to reach speeds of 200 MPH when they grow up.
  11. I saw a Cuckoo on Sunday Steve, sadly a species in decline Anyway back to the images, a Grebe fancies a Perch
  12. Here is a Tern catching it's lunch, quite a sight to watch them plummet head first into the water from around 30 feet
  13. Steve that is a lovely image mate, shame about the dippers being absent
  14. Actually they were all taken with a telephoto lens, a minimum focus distance of 5 feet means I can keep far enough away to avoid spooking the subject, yet still get a frame filling shot. Macro can be fun as you can find plenty of willing subjects in the garden, as seen in your shots.
  15. Something different this is a Hornet eating a Wasp I had been trying to get a shot of the Hornet, and had been following it along the bank of a ditch when I spotted it perched on this plant, at first I thought it was mating, then I realised what was actually happening as the Wasp disappeared before my eyes, it did not have a chance.
  16. Cheers Russell, it is a hobby that gets me out in the fresh air, I like your Common Darters, I am looking forward to the Dragonflies appearing again A couple caught in the act, on a bench of all places , and a Migrant Hawker
  17. Catching them in flight is a challenge, they are a bit rapid not as swift as these little devils though
  18. As it started with a Kingfisher here are a couple
  19. Ian that was a moving read, we share your sorrow. I had posted this on the original thread, but it is an endearing memory of a wonderful person. I will always remember the night at Bretby when Helen was on the door taking the money, until I played "Eddie Parker - Body Chains". Helen came flying through the doors and onto the dance floor, it was one of her favourite records. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time. RIP Helen, we will always have fond memories of you Martyn & Carol xxx
  20. Blackpool Mecca Revival ReunionSaturday 2nd April 2011
  21. I was stitched up ... paid £30 for mine early 90's I am still coming to terms with Mace's aversion to mince meat ... never struck me as a man that would refuse food, of any description ... except of course salad.
  22. Always a tricky one to find, and you never saw many about .... but never a £950 record, or have I missed something.
  23. It got a single release on Compass. Do not think the actual backing is slower, it is just the vocals sang with a slightly off beat phrasing, prefer this version myself.
  24. I thought that Aint Nothing was the B side, Need A Replacement the A side ?

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