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Martyn Pitt

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Everything posted by Martyn Pitt

  1. A 4 Spotted Chaser, a Blue Damselfly in flight and an Emperor Dragonfly in flight (never seen one perched ) Right off to pack, away on holiday for a week
  2. I think Dragonflies are great, not sure I would have wished to encounter their prehistoric ancestors with their 3 foot wingspan
  3. These are only a few days old, there are ten of them following mum around at the reserve, they have no fear of humans and are seriously cute. They are Red Legged Partridge The wind got a bit chilly so they all got under mum's wing to keep warm, once they were all under I could only see a couple of tiny legs showing.
  4. Sad news indeed, a great loss to his nearest and dearest, and to his many friends on this forum. Condolences to his family ... R.I.P Bob
  5. Managed to catch a glimpse of a Reed Warbler sitting on eggs. What always amazes me is the nest, they weave them around 3 reed stems just using their beaks.
  6. Hi Pete, these as most of my images were taken at Belvide Reservoir, (just north of Wolverhampton), West Midland Bird Club control access.
  7. A swimming Zebra or a baby Great Crested Grebe, we have a few of these youngsters on the reserve,
  8. Their whole body trembles when they sing, great bird to find
  9. Steve Lesser Spotted are the size of a Sparrow
  10. It is common to see the adults and youngsters roosting during the day. Glad you like the pics
  11. Cheaper than going out to get abused ... you at Prestwich Saturday ?
  12. Remember that Tawny Owl chick from the other week, here is another shot of it from Sunday, poor thing got a bit wet in the rain Also caught this Tern having a go at a Hobby
  13. It's not like you have anything else to do
  14. We get them in the back garden Steve ... they love the ants
  15. A couple of Swifts ... wonder how they got their name
  16. A House Martin from this morning
  17. I like dragonflies, they haven't changed much from their prehistoric ancestors, except they had 1.00m wingspans ... imagine watching one of those whizzing about
  18. Had some fun today chasing Swallows, Swifts and Martins in flight, not the best idea on a dull day but hey ho Here is a Swallow flying low to avoid radar
  19. 21st Century - Coming right back / Shadow of a memory - DOT
  20. Larry Williams - You ask for one good reason / I'm the one - Okeh
  21. It always looks good when you get the sun shining through their wings like that, gives them an angelic appearance
  22. Now for a fluffy cuddly one ... a Tawny Owl chick ... awwwww Not as good at hiding as Mum and Dad are
  23. Out enjoying the sunshine at Belvide ... only problem was the heat haze (can make a photo look like it was taken through a bathroom window) Another shot of a Sedge Warbler displaying for a mate ... these little birds fly all the way from Africa to the UK to mate, the youngsters then fly all the way back to Africa in September, and generally return to the UK the following Spring to the place they were born. All without a map or a satnav ... amazing Also managed to catch a Grey Heron in flight, much easier than the little warblers ...

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