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Martyn Pitt

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Everything posted by Martyn Pitt

  1. I could never get the moves right for that one though Pete
  2. I would every day of the week and twice on Sunday .... brilliant dance record.
  3. Probably because this site does not have the Canon software to enable the auto rotate, you need to rotate them manually and save them as a jpeg in portrait orientation.
  4. Steve are you struggling to keep it upright these days
  5. Did you lie down to take that last one Steve
  6. Here are a couple of male Ruddy Darters. I had one of these land on my shoulder a few years ago, I was stood in the amongst the reeds hoping a Kingfisher would land on a perch out in front of me, when one just came and joined me. It's like tales from the riverbank somedays on here
  7. It looks like a female, and if it has a yellowish stripe on each leg it is a Common Darter.
  8. Now these are stunning to watch flying around, in the air they look a blue colour, but when perched you can see that they are a metallic blue-green colour depending how the light catches them. There were two males and occasionally a female flying around above a small pool of water behind the valve house of the dam. Male Banded Demoiselle
  9. Sorry to break up the reminiscing chaps, I was sat having a rest when this battle damaged lady landed about 8ft away. Female Black Tailed Skimmer
  10. JM would have got £500 for it
  11. Pretty good Gene. I played it at Winsford a few years back, quite a few people asked me what it was, including a couple of DJ's, went down well, as it should it is a great dance record.
  12. It was a long time ago Gene, in a record box at a nighter, I was sure it looked like my real one, only a red colour ... but I could be wrong. I played "The Light of Day" at Radcliffe a couple of months back, great tune
  13. Not all of us use elevators Mike
  14. I have seen a red coloured look alike Prophonics boot, about 20 years ago, but that is the only one I have seen
  15. A couple of Southern Hawkers The more colourful male The less brightly coloured female
  16. A female Banded Demoiselle from this morning Nearly the perfect flight shot
  17. I put everything down to old age now Dave ... simpler and less complicated
  18. His instructions on how to set up Nikon off camera flash are the only ones I have ever read that A - make sense, and B - actually work Irrelevant footnote ... his daughter was born on my 50th birthday
  19. I thought I had found a new species of butterfly, until I realised it was just an extremely faded and beat up Ringlet
  20. Been a while since I did a niter .... a few years now .... anyway I can't remember them after I have had a nap
  21. Russell a useful source of info on Nikon cameras is Ken Rockwell LINK He can be a bit fickle, and is not universally liked, however his guides to setting up the various Nikon cameras are written in plain English and tend to be easier to follow than the Nikon manuals. Just ignore his love of the 'Vivid' picture settings, especially for wildlife stuff.
  22. There are only around 40 species that breed in the UK, and a few of those are only found in a few isolated areas, so it is not too difficult to remember them.
  23. It looks like a female Broad Bodied Chaser ... lovely pose for you
  24. I have a right game getting any images of Brown Hawkers at Belvide, when they are not flying around they are bloody good at hiding. I saw this one disappear into a patch of Willow Herb, he was deep in the vegetation but I found him and managed to get a couple of shots through a gap in the stems and leaves. Well chuffed ... even if he was trying to kid me he was a Scorpion
  25. If it was smaller than the Moon it could have been Venus

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