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Martyn Pitt

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Everything posted by Martyn Pitt

  1. Here you go Steve .. a Swallow in the rain and gloom of this morning
  2. Caught a pair of Goldcrest displaying yesterday, tiny little bird, always on the move
  3. They will be sheltering from the snow, thinking look at that daft lump stood out in this
  4. A male Sparrowhawk landed on the top of the feeder rail for a nano second, unfortunately for him the smaller birds had seen him coming and all found somewhere to hide. I do love their eyes ... and look at those feet ... menacing
  5. We thought that squirrels were responsible for the damage to this dead tree, turns out we were wrong
  6. We had one at Belvide a couple of years ago, one chap could not find it and asked where it was, I gave him general directions to it's location but he could not find it, so I put it in his scopes field of view ... he still couldn't see it
  7. It is a Bittern Peter ... and pretty difficult to find when they stand still amongst the reeds, quite a scarce bird to get over our way
  8. What a dull grey day, never mind this Teal kindly did a low level fly by
  9. The other camera is close and wide angled, you can tell by the large depth of field where everything is in focus, it could easily have been on a remote and operated by the guy in the shot.
  10. I am not that tall standing up That's tea all over the keyboard again
  11. Duck or Rabbit ... you decide
  12. There were about a dozen of them, there are good numbers of them around the reserve
  13. Like a blob of candy floss on a stick, the cute and adorable Long Tailed Tit
  14. New Years Day I got a distant flight snap of a Glossy Ibis, I was just testing some settings for flight shots and as it was still pretty gloomy, and the bird distant I had not really clocked what it was looking through the viewfinder, then I zoomed in on it on the back screen ... that really pissed off the regular birders who had all left the hide about five minutes before it flew over. I don't keep a list of birds Steve, I do this as a hobby ... I count things for my job
  15. A male & female Siskin out in the rain ... bet they wished they had stayed at home for the winter
  16. Cheers Russell ... here is a cute little Marsh Tit
  17. Nice job Russell ... better have a Kingy then to welcome the new thread ... From 1/1/2016 This one got really close, less than 10m away
  18. Cheers Steve ... been pretty naff weather here as well, I have been out a couple of times and come home without any worthwhile shots, Saturday it was that gloomy I was taking shots of the Kingfisher @ 1/30 of a second ISO 12800, not ideal to say the least.
  19. We always clear an opening in the fraggies in front of the hide at the end of the Autumn, this year we made it a bit bigger which seems to have paid off with some regular visits from the Kingfishers, this young lady was on show for quite a while this morning, to start with when it was still pretty dark, then she came back when the light improved, unfortunately she failed to re-appear when it really brightened up ... never mind there is always next time
  20. Steve, nothing you can do about them hiding in trees, especially Owls, they would be buggers to play hide and seek with. That is a rare bird to see, so any photo of it is a bonus
  21. Here is a Green Woodpecker that was in my back garden in the week,shame it was a dull day. This was taken through our back bedroom window
  22. I know his stuff, he used to post on the same photography forum I did
  23. That Kingfisher shot was in the Daily Mail, it was taken by Alan McFadyen. The Kingfisher is diving into a glass tank that is full of small fish, ... still a nice shot, it has been causing a fair few rows on facebook as to the rights and wrongs of the method used to get it.
  24. Steve the human tripod ... ooh errr misses Anyway ... a couple of Turnstones enjoying a break in Lanzarote
  25. More holiday snaps ... stood on our terrace taking these

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