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Martyn Pitt

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Everything posted by Martyn Pitt

  1. A real treat for us today at Belvide, a Gannet, only the second ever record of one for the reservoir, and seeing as we are about as far away from the sea as you can get in the UK no surprise that we only get them once in a blue moon. It is believed this bird had been at a pool south of Worcester yesterday, so had probably followed the Severn north yesterday evening and rested over night on the reservoir.
  2. A juvenile Marsh Harrier has been on the prowl for food most of the day, didn't see it catch anything so I expect he is getting peckish
  3. A first ever for Belvide, I suspect a fugitive on the lamb ... anyone missing a Peacock? He was trying to hide on a bough across a pond, in the woods.
  4. Send this up .. and play it loud
  5. Spaceark ... Do What You Can Do
  6. I was knelt down No to Bury Have another one for your cheek
  7. Peter The female flew off as soon as he put his ladder up by the owl box, the male was still in the box. He put the bird in a cotton bag, it keeps them calm, he leaves the feet out as it makes it easier to handle. He measured the wing length, and weighed the bird ... 377grams this one, a breeding female would be around 450g. No mate still at the same house, I was just being deliberately vague as to where it was located.
  8. We have Barn Owl boxes dotted around the various farms in the area, so I was pleased to be asked if I wanted to accompany one of the bird ringers who was checking out a box for chicks. He did not find any chicks but he did find this young male (around 2 years old). This was the first time I had seen one "in the hand" and they are a lot smaller than you imagine them to be from seeing them in flight. I managed a couple of photo's with my phone
  9. I can point my lens at one a mile away and the bloody thing will fly off Good to see Smiffy's images improving
  10. We just got back from a week in Taormina, Sicily ... nice view of Etna from our balcony, Castelmola perched above us and some bloke with a glass of local brew
  11. Basically what Dave said, I always found the Canon Ixus range produce pretty good results, and it does not need to be the latest model either, it all depends how much you want to spend. One piece of free advice ... always try and get the sun behind you when taking a photo,with the light coming over your shoulder, the image will be miles better than if it is backlit.
  12. Let's have a Chiffchaff, after all it's only here for the summer
  13. The Dragonflies ancestors in pre-historic times had a wing span of 1 metre .... I would have loved to see one of those
  14. It looks like a female Brown Hawker ... the golden colouring on the wings is a good reference for identification.
  15. Absolutely stunned when we heard the news about Steve, a good friend of ours who will be remembered with great affection. R.I.P Steve Martyn & Carol xxx
  16. A couple of Tawny Owl chicks were at either end of the reserve today, both well out in the open, the first was on a branch sat above the path. The second one is obviously younger than the first, it is about half it's size ... you just want to pick one up and cuddle it ... and see your arm torn to shreds
  17. Heron flying low to avoid radar
  18. Here's one for Steve, ... the Grasshopper Warbler, it has one of the weirdest calls of any bird, the whole bird vibrates whilst it emits a clicking noise similar to the noise a grasshopper makes, great to watch them when they are calling, they really give it their all.
  19. Had a visit from a (we assume) juvenile Osprey, it circled around over the reservoir a few times, and made several plunges into the water for a wash before heading off It was obviously camera shy as it never came as close as I would like ... but they never do
  20. Sad news indeed, graced the 86 Club many a time. Rest in peace John Martyn & Carol
  21. Congratulations Steve
  22. You can have an Osprey as well ... we had two fly through this morning ... it is a pretty heavy crop as the bird was a long way away

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