Topics like this are always contencious however for me its the sight of a pair of spencers 40s and hearing moans like "i hate this modern stuff" when a 30 year old 70's sound comes on
Hey I wore 40s till 1978 when my father asked if me and me mates had got a job in a circus (did the trick I tell you, we never wore them again)
But o the flip side I dont care what gets played as long as the DJ caters for the type of crowd thats in and creates an atmosphere, I love rareties but recently went to a local venue where the crowd were all into the big wigan sounds and the floor was heaving, then up pops a known (only plays rare) DJ and killed it.
and Been to rare do's when a "MR golden oldie" got on the decks and killed that also.
Not bothered about the Karzies waded through too many to even care any more as long as me bladder is empty the moisture can be danced off the shoes.
Many people are bemoaning the fact of CDs being played but drax does this and has nearly a full house everytime.
I dont go to drax as I dont approve of CDs but, am I missing a good night out for my elitism? I dont know.