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Mark Bicknell

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  1. Mark Bicknell's post in Help tracking down a parcel was marked as the answer   
    Have spoken with Enrico and this matter has been resolved, just issued a full refund to him and arranging to send a new order via courier rather than Royal Mail to ensure it gets there directly, also adding a copy of BMR 1012 Jimmy Radcliffe as an extra way of apology, attatched refund transaction details.
    Although situations like this are annoying and frustrating responsibility of any postal issues should be with postal services I feel it's my responsibility to honour the original order, rather than dispute of deflect the problem it's simply good practice to swallow the loss my end.
    Mark Bicknell

  2. Mark Bicknell's post in 'Taste's Sour Don't It' was marked as the answer   
    Jimmy wrote the song in 1965, as Chalky said he did perform here that year on 'READY STEADY GO' and 'THANK YOU LUCKY STARS' performing 'Long After Tonight Is All Over'  confirmed as I have heard the guide track which Jimmy sang over (No footage exists at far as we know) the UK release on Picadilly was released in 1966 so it's very possible Jimmy did a deal for the song when he was in the UK.

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