Trust you to pick i think you know what i mean, basically the music came first we as a scene embraced it and the bottom line with all this is we are all involved in this soulful journey because of basically the common ground of loving the music whatever the style,era or level, we all don't get on or share the same views but that's life and to be fair to the top 500 records comments i think if you sat down and made a list it would be a far greater number of records than 500 considered classic,played out, well known oldies call them what you will, this scene is based on nostalgia due to the very nature of it's music.
Acceptance of the unknown's, lesser played should be respected as should the oldies thing, basically whatever floats your boat is on offer nationwide, something for everyone, the problem is that often opinion and tempers flare and this 'who knows best' attitude is the catalist of bad feeling as this thread would suggest, live and let live i say, i'm proud to be part of this scene and refuse to see it be destroyed by opinion's, if an event,promotion,music policy, style is of a quality then in time the genuine soul fans will attend, so there is really no need to hype events............we all have the right to do what we want,say what we feel and play what we want, negative vibe's just stir things up and get's everyone's backs up, it's just not that nice when it get's personal and i suggest that there are hidden agenda's in some of the comments which has little or nothing to do with the scene or the music.
Keep the comments constructive and if you have a personal beef with someone perhaps it's best to take it off this site and maybe into the car back to the Christmas food thingy.
Regards - Mark Bicknell.