Good topic this, i dread to think the number of records i've had through my hands over the years some big titles too, but that's part of the game i guess, selling something for pennies way back which is now worth a small fortune or in many cases a huge
Quality is the issue with me rather than quantity, i've forgotton some of the tunes i've let go and suddenly now find myself buying back the ones i regret selling that i can remember at least. I have a book case full of 45's, several loose piles (OF RECORDS....LOL) and four DJ type boxes, have a good source for play stuff, turn records around, sell on, swap, trade, beg, steal and borrow, have a never ending want's list and sod all money to buy them but we carry on don't we? As with Brett's comments records give me pleasure, infact this music gives me pleasure so there is also a couple of large CD cabinets full upstairs, you can't ever own it all on vinyl but can enjoy as much as you can get on whatever format.I tend to rotate the two 100 hundred count DJ boxes i take out sorry took select tunes to work in with the venue, carry the tunes which make up the foundation of a spot, always include new additions when possible, i'm content with rotating and selecting from perhaps a 1000 records, and can call on pockets of my collection as a back up.Other sections of the collection are private and are simply just that my collection.
Brilliant fun though.
Regards - Mark Bicknell.