Paul, Sorry i can't offer any information on this low life mate but i know what it feels like as there was a spate of this happening several years ago i had a Dickie Wonder, Intro's on Jamie, Velvet Satins Demo, Ollie Jackson Yellow Magnum and several others go all at once i was so angry i think i would have done time if i'd found out who it was never did though,several other people also had stuff go missing during this time, as it's been mentioned to think that there are people on this scene who could do this is beyound me mate, liars, cheats, bank robbers i can deal with but people who steal records is basically the lowest of the low, how anyone can steal a tune then go home and play it and enjoy it is just?.....well words fail me, still they can't be soul fans, record collectors etc. can they??? we need to pull ranks here and share any information to stamp this out once and for all...Paul i will give this a mention on my show just to spread the word mate and pass anything i get back to you. Christ if someone was that desperate for a record i would give it to them, but don't steal....steal from one person on this scene and basically they are taking from us all.
Regards and chin up mate, you still got more soul in your little finger than the wanker who took your record.