Is it possible to lose your soul or rather have no desire to attend venues anymore as there are better things to do with your life? the love of the music is not in question for me as I still adore everything connected with it it's just the venue side of things does not have the same magic for me anymore, it's like in some areas that the scene must survive at venue level no matter what, we all know the over kill state of play at present which has very much diluted the escense of this once beautiful scene for me at least, can you still be into the music if you don't attend venues anymore? I think you can as you can explore whatever floats your boat without having to worry what anybody else thinks, does staying away from the venues make you some how less soulful if you don't attend? again I think not but I'm sure some will say that the venues are the scene and you can't have one without the other?
The records sound and mean the same to me alone or with somebody, the enjoyment, pleasure and deep joy I get is the same, this music is nice to share with like minded people but can you not also go solo and enjoy it as much? I certainly can, forgive this post being a little deep but if I feel like this then I'm sure one or two others feel the same way, I get the impression that the scene as a whole is going through the motions rather than being the force it once was, too much of everything really and in time the wheels are gonna fall off, I can't knock the people who still contribute to the scene, promoters, DJ's, collectors, magazine editors, record dealers and soul fans who attend week in week out good on everyone concerned but I can't help thinking that the reason why there is so much on with more venues than you can shake a stick at is that we are all somehow deep down scared that it's all gonna end? maybe in my case to quote Major Lance 'Ain't No Soul Left In These Old Shoes' but it's certainly in my heart always.
Regards - Mark Bicknell.