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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. I loved writing on the sleeves, how times change!!!!! Ed
  2. Some guys have all the luck. LOLGH, I mean thats it, how can it be better. Once again I hope Eula knows how highly regarded she is in our world. Ed
  3. Rick, we all know you are a DJ (Summer in the parks and all that) you can drop it from your title I'm not sure Mr Levine would need anybody else in the Film, after all he must have enough material from being a young un bringing those tunes back from the states to running his own labels to fill a two hour life and times tale. Ed
  4. So Mr Levine, as long as your name is in a topic title, you will join in? Im sure that will inspire some new topics. Ed
  5. The life and times of Ian Levine? Maybe a film also. Fame at last for all that effort. After all, it is the strange world of Northern Soul. Ed
  6. Wow, thanks Soul Source for coming up with this link: https://www.sittinginthepark.com/interviews.html What a great idea to get in touch with our long lost heroes and give them an indication of how much they are respected. Thanks again. Ed
  7. $800 for a bad condition, wol, edge chipped record? What Credit Crunch? The label is taking the pi** (WISE WORLD) No wonder Levine called it 'the strange world' Mad Mad and more Mad. No doubting the greatness and rarity of the disc, just the thinking behind the valuation. Ed
  8. Barney. The secret is get the new stuff on cd/mp3 and play it in the car, on your pc, etc. Eventually it becomes familiar and easier to listen to. Even in the 'good old days' there was a lot of stuff that you probably didnt care for. Part of the problem that faces lots of people who come back on the scene is that they have never heard half of the tracks and its easier said than done just liking anything thats played. Some of my mates will only go to oldies nights for that reason. Good DJs mix and match to give everyone something. Ed
  9. I assume 'smashing a record to bits with a hammer' is just another way of saying put it to the back of the box for a while. Soulies being non violent and all that. Cant agree with the Carstairs comments and never will, its as pure a soul record as there ever will be. Stick to Motown if you want perfection. The current top 100 has not changed much in the last 3 years, so how about from this weekend all you DJs only play records you have not played in the last 3 years and give something else a chance. Ed
  10. There is deffo a style of dancing called stomping and has been as long as I can remember from about 1975. Champion, so is the sun, ton of dynamite, boogie with your baby. Its better if you can use both feet as lead (I cant) as you can spread the work. You have to move as quick as the beat, and its hard. Its all in the legs, you have to keep your head still and your arms are just for balance. Its show off dancing and very competitive. Not many can do it perfect, including me, and not many could do all 4 records straight through with no let up, even when they were 16, let alone 50. Im good for about 30 seconds per record, and then have to fall back on 'normal dancing' just to see the records out. If you can do it, you know what I mean, its sorts the men from the boys (at least for 30 seconds nowadays). Ed
  11. Its amazing how records like this get a second chance. When soul bowl were shifting the soul packs out in the late 70s, there were dozens of nice soul records given away at 10 pence a record. Only to be worth lots more in recent years. In the same packs were sometimes 2 copies of the Composers double sider, which I think also went on to be worth a few bob. Great times........................ Ed
  12. Gil Just to let you know that across the UK, Europe, and the rest of the world, where folks are into rare soul music, your music is held in very high regards and it very possible that on most weekends there will be many thousands of fans dancing to RULES on a regular basis (since about 1979 when I think it first got introduced). Many of your fellow artists have also only just found out in recent years how popular they have become. Great to hear your keeping well, and Im sure lots of promoters would love to get you to appear at the many functions held in celebration of rare soul. Ed
  13. The topic was Northern Soul Stalwarts, so the original soul/r&b fans on that point were not highlited. If Pete Stringfellow and his ilk can do some historical recollection, that would also be welcome. Actually anybody with a tale to tell is always welcome to share it. Ed
  14. Do any soul - sources actually know any of these stalwarts (not wannabees) to be able to ask them to give up a few day to to discuss the 'life and times.etc' Closest Ive ever got was requesting records when they have been dj-ing etc. There must be some groupies amongst us!! Ed
  15. Chuck Berry on in Donny Dome very soon. Ed
  16. I saw the same thing at CWG. MAKES YOU WANNA HOLLA. Ed
  17. Any chance of getting the likes of Soul Sam, Richard Searling, John Manship etc to start a 'life and times thread' just like IL did a few weeks ago. If nothing else the knowledge forthcoming is fantastic. Ed
  18. Not sure the guy should be hanged just yet. Whats listed thats not on CD? for every legit CD sold there must be 5 copied. At least it keeps record player manufacturer's in a job, and like has been said on here already this guys has only made vinyl copies of CD/MP3 tracks, as its not likely he has original copies on vinyl. Its not as bad as trying to fool collectors into buying copies/bootlegs as originals, and that has been going on for yonks. If he made a vinyl copy of a cd only track, or from master tapes would that be a crime? Live and let live (in this case) I say. Ed
  19. I remember as a lad seeing Nev Wherry's UK demos at the KGB (Like hundreds of them) and thinking WOW. Also Arthur Fenn used to have all the RCA demos on show at CWG and most were getting played at the time. Never knew how they could afford em really. If I was to collect again, I suppose having every Motown related single would be the ultimate to aim for. Ed
  20. The internet is fantastic and at the moment my fave application (apart from here) is www.skype.com When you have family on the other side of the world and you can talk to them and see them etc, and its free, what more could you ask? Ed
  21. I got to admit Ive not heard before, but still think its 'average' compared with other similar style tunes. The voice is not strong enough. JMO Ed
  22. what a shi* weekend. Yes, she is Dionne Warwick's younger sister and yes, they started out together singing gospel music at the New Hope Church in Newark, New Jersey. The sisters even started doing background sessions together in the early '60s, rapidly becoming in-demand session singers of the day, using those gospel-honed harmonies on hit records for Ray Charles, Dinah Washington, Little Eva, Garnet Mims and The Drifters among many others. Warwick is and always has been, very much her own woman. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIP Ed
  23. Ian You obviously read or heard the sad news about Levi Stubbs. Did you ever work with him? Ed
  24. Thats sums it up perfectly. His voice will live in our scene for ever. Ed
  25. No worse than Footsee. I can imagine they were big at Wigan. Get a demo up on ebay, refer to old Wigan play, and hey presto £50. Ed

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