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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. A sad loss for his family and fans around the world. 'I've had it' an absolute dancers dream. His music will live on and be celebrated for a long time to come. Ed
  2. Agreed. Did not know it was never a single! Glad I kept the LP...... Ed
  3. I'm sure there are people 'in the know' who do know the truth..........but worst case scenario is this is not a bad tune at all. There lays the problem, why would it not have got a release at the time, even as a demo? The plot thickens as they say.
  4. Great tune....just reminded me of
  5. Soul in the Sun Tenerife. Horse and Groom Doncaster (Not chill out). A great big melting pot indeed. Ed
  6. It seems to me that at many 'general' Northern soul events that the musical spectrum has no boundary. So you could hear Wully Bully to Amy Winehouse and anything in between on the same night. One man's soul is another man's nightmare, so to speak. Is that 'the way it is' or have some people simply lost the plot. There have always been the odd 'WTF is that' kind of tune played, but there does not seem to be a mainstream genre anymore. In the (g)'olden days' obviously the intention was to play new rare soul discoveries and perhaps new great soul releases. Since that's not totally possible anymore, and hasn't been for a very long time, it seems the 'anything goes' policy is in firm control. Or is it just me being to fussy? Ed
  7. An amazing read about a very talented guy. Cheers Ed
  8. Vocal/Inst........... Ed
  9. Just had the pleasure of watch the newish 'Man from Uncle' on a Virgin flight.... Happy to hear: Compared To What (The Atlantic slow version)Written by Gene McDaniels (as Eugene B. McDaniels)Performed by Roberta FlackLicensed courtesy of Warner Music UK Ltd Cry To MeWritten by Bert BernsPerformed by Solomon BurkeLicensed courtesy of Warner Music UK Ltd Take Care Of BusinessWritten by Andrew Stroud (as Andy Stroud)Performed by Nina SimoneCourtesy of Verve Music GroupUnder license from Universal Music Operations Ltd The movie even featured a bit of drunken Northern Dancing (ish) Its everywhere!! Any other newish movies with the odd soul tune around at the moment? Ed
  10. Not sure if this has been done before, but as a starter, Nolan Porter - If I could only be sure - was played at Old Trafford last night........Even got a 'clap' when it finished:) What's getting played at your club? Ed
  11. It was quoted that Soft Cell's version of Tainted Love was not as good as the original. UMM....I bet mizz Jones had wished it had sold as many copies:) I also bet Frank and Al wished they had have got a dollar for every time 'Deedaadoo' and 'Take me in' have been played over the years! Waiting for the xmas special Emmerdale CD release....... Inky Dingle wang dang do ;)
  12. Cost and worth? I heard the USA dj Honky had MIZZ COOPER sing this song at his wedding. Its all about 'who you know'!! Now that would bring cost and worth upside down in my opinion as it probably cost next to nothing but was worth more than owning one of the 1000 copies or more, of the original disc that are surely in circulation. Ed
  13. There always seem to be lots of 'Charity Events' cropping up around the soul scene, and by enlarge they are most welcome, but what amount of the 'sales' should be given over to the charity? There is obviously the ticket money and perhaps a % of the merchandise and / or food and drink that's sold. Most DJ's would give there time up for free. Most venues would offer free rent, especially if they can sell alcohol. So assuming MOST, or even ALL, of the takings are handed over, then it must surely be a genuine 'just for charity' event. Would any organisers or promoters have the 'nerve' to market an event as 'charitable' but really make a great big profit for themselves? What's an acceptable balance? Ed
  14. Great story. Appreciation and recognition at last. Lets hope Lorraine 'appears soon' at one of our big soul events and gets the 5 Star treatment she deserves. Ed
  15. Real Sad. RIP Peggy. WGT is one of the best definitive Northern Soul Dance records EVER! Just played it again, and it is indeed eternal. Ed
  16. Cheers Obviously there's no definitive answer that would be agreeable to all. The two terms are joined at the hip, even in this forum description. On a personal level I like 'Byrney's' overview. Rare soul has drifted into the 'elitist' faction, more than ever. However to be Rare Soul, it has to be both Rare and Soul. That still includes thousands of tunes, NOT all great! Northern Soul includes Rare Soul records, but essentially, anything goes. Maybe it always has. Several respected DJ's have all stated that one persons favourite Northern soul record can be another persons most hated. A common denominator has always been you can dance to it, and it feels soulful. How 'Scratchy' and 'Wully bully' fit both requirements is beyond me, but for sure at some events like 'Soul in the Sun' they pack the floor! Indeed it could be argued that lots of money is made by record dealers on the 'Rare Soul' scene, but that pales into insignificance to the money been made on the 'hugely commercialised Northern Soul scene'. Inevitably both scenes have to live side by side, but for me anyway they are not the same. Ed
  17. Any definitive words of wisdom in the topic question? Ed
  18. That would depend on the definition of 'Northern'. As a 14/15 year old going to the Cleggy Wintergarden nighters in 76/77, it was all Northern to me! New stuff like 'CATHEDRALS' was played along side Old stuff like 'I'll Forgive and Forget' etc...........Too young for the politics and only interested in staying on the floor. In short they were all 'newies to me, and about 75% of all the other punters. Even 'black soul music' filled the floor....happy innocent days indeed. Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na ........Na Na Black Soul.......... Ed
  19. Spaceark Todays people DC larue Jobell Peter Brown (2) New York Port Authority Probably 50% of everything played at the Mecca and Cleethorpes.
  20. RIP......What a brave person. I GOT LOADED must be one of the most covered songs ever!
  21. CV – Gregg Taylor 1977 NatWest – various retail and corporate banking roles 1990 NatWest – IFA and sales manager roles 1995 NatWest – national head of sales improvement 1997 NatWest Life – regional sales director2009 What Group – co-founder and chief executive 2000 Thinc Group – co-founder and chief executive 2007 Bluefin Private Clients – managing director Very impressive indeed.
  22. So sad at 53..........same age as me, and many more on here from that 'era'. Has any member got a picture of Gregg to post, I'm sure I must have met him in his early days.
  23. Soul Source has obviously been running a long time now, and occasionally I have seen actual artists come on and join in, such as Lorraine Chandler. Anybody kept a list of others? Maybe they are members who just 'listen in'? Perhaps some have even started a topic? Maybe some are reading this thread and would like to 'add their name?
  24. Just saw the Film last night via DVD. I enjoyed it, and don't intend to be picky. A job well done. A story was told. However, I still think there is room for a 'documentary' type film to show the origins and history of the scene. The Strange World of Northern Soul did cover much of the history, but it still feels to me that something is missing. Maybe the life story of a Northern Soul DJ?

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