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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. Its in Las Vegas? Only joking... If it matches the first one, it will be fantastic. Ed
  2. What a very honourable gesture! Ed
  3. If he could only turn back time... The desire will never be over for him..
  4. Is that like fake news? I like it. Alot. Ed
  5. I'd also like to see how they keep up the pace after 8 hours of it.....unaided. Those in the 40inch baggies top and bottom, at least try and work through the whole night at it! Ed
  6. Looks like a lot of fun. Is this how they dress at the Italian soul nights? In terms of costly gear, a made to measure suit with all the bells and whistles, back in the day, made gucci look like primark. At least a months wages for an apprentice. I'm sure I've seen kit like that at the 100 club:) Ed
  7. It was up the hill from the bus station and opposite Clifton park. It ran midweek Northern Soul nights before the all nighters, and replaced the assembly rooms as the place for 14 to 18 year old went for the weekly dose of Wigan and Cleethorpes tunes. I remember one skinny curly haired Rotherham youth in there that could spin for England. Like a battling top.... Rovrum was a hot bed of Northern around that time, including the Windmill nightclub at Millmoor. Absolutely loved it in there. Ed
  8. I wonder which record was the most successful commercially? Ed
  9. Wish I could dance to it all way through at full pelt still, but need 3 breathers during the track these days, just like ton of dynamite! Ed
  10. Indeed a real talent by helping write this, and others. A sad loss R I P. Ed
  11. Fascinating guy! Imagine if George had been a cell mate with Johnny Bragg..... What great songs they may have come up with! Ed
  12. Hard to beat this version..
  13. I think the comparison is relating to the vocal effort. Both Jud's wail along for large parts of the songs, and then find some soul to get your attention. Probably why, as always, these records fail as chart hits because of the inconsistencies of effort. And why we get to cherish them! Neither record would have passed the motown hit or miss test, I suspect. Ed
  14. No doubt the price is higher today than 2009 when the post started. Must be more likers than dislikers or it would not be so expensive! I think parts of the record are great, but I can see why its its not every bodies cup of tea. Ed
  15. Certainly back in the day, the DJ was revered by the young audience who aspired to changing places across the record decks etc. Another kind of hero was the radio dj. As a teenager, in South Yorkshire, the main northern soul show was radio hallam 's soul shotgun, with one John Green as host. Roll forward 30 years or so and I got a call out of the blue about attending a sportsman's evening from a guy called.......... John Green! The most obvious question to me, if weird to others, was ' your not soul shotgun, are you' ? To which the shocking confirmation came it was!! Since then I've had plenty of conversations with dj John! A small world indeed. Ed
  16. There is a song by the smiths that springs to mind. Not been to the central since the TC show. A million excuses but still the same outcome, not been. Glad it's having a revival. Ed
  17. So it was a nostalgia night for the central? Not specifically a Northern or rare soul night. I used to go to the central between 78 and 82 at least once a month, but only on the Saturday northern soul nights etc, and it reminds me of the 100 club, very atmospheric when full. The fullest I've ever known the central was just a few years ago when Terry Callier RIP played there and it was packed solid with stoodents... Time a changing...
  18. As I said, one man's northern soul is another man's pop tune, or ska, or reggae, or funk etc. Loved wully Bully as an 11 year old at the youthy along with israelites etc. BUT it's never been my Northern Soul. TSWONS...never a truer statement made about the very nature of a musical genre. Ed
  19. Somebody is playing Helen Shapiro? Tell me what he said or walking back to happiness? There has never been anything ruled in or out as far as what's acceptable, because we can never agree on where the limits are! Once heard Willy Bully at a self proclaimed soul only event....so I guess my idea of soul and the dj promoter who played it are a million miles apart! Ed
  20. Can't say I've heard it played anywhere. Ed
  21. Every day I realise how many great tunes I've never heard before.... Ed
  22. Well I can see that there's a few Bob to be made at a venue pulling in 1000 punters, but they are few and far between. Even if a top dj got a grand, there may only be such a pay day once a month etc. So, as others have suggested, unless they are collecting a pension, it's more than likely they would indeed need a day job to make ends meet. I suppose it's not as expensive on the records front if they play newer releases. Still a labour of love, and total respect to them! Ed
  23. I understand 'Soul Sam' MB was a teacher... What do / did other top DJ's do for a living? I don't think many made / make enough from actual DJ payments! Especially if they follow the vinyl only code! Ed
  24. Give the girl a wailing song and she is number 1. Great clip. Ed
  25. Wow............. Just came across this site and it fills in so much information: https://detroitsoulsingles.blogspot.co.uk/search?q=gino+washington Ed

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