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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. Great tracks! Ed
  2. 496 to go..
  3. Forget previous lists, the topic is about the top 500 most popular tunes TODAY... Just to see how things have changed. IF no smoking is still popular (I doubt it) on today's scene, then put it forward! Ed
  4. I see from soul sources that this oldie is now widely played out and could make a today's top 500 Garnett Mimms - Prove it to me - UA Ed
  5. Assuming non of Kev Roberts original top 500 can be included, what would make it in today's scene? Name, artist, label, you tube link? Approx position? Ed
  6. Agreed!
  7. I think I know where you are coming from. Youth today in the UK have less opportunity to identify with a subculture made up of mainly youths, as in the past like punk, mod, and soulie etc. You'd know what the alternatives are more than us over 50's I guess anyway. All I can say is that none of us would have changed a minute of the Cleethorpes/Wigan/ mecca era. Those lucky enough to have done the Twisted Wheel and Torch were even luckier! Ed
  8. Almost 1200 views to this topic, and only a handful who appear to be very familiar to this track. Maybe the author is giving too much credit to the viewers knowledge of GM tracks outside of looking for you! Ed
  9. Prove it! Although it's familiar to me, I could not have sung any lines from it, without hearing it again via the tinternet...as I don't have a copy! Put it to the test! How many folks know this tune: On another angle, exposing the track gets it some more recognition outside the collectors! It fits nice with the policy of several events that refuse to play top 500 ! Ed
  10. Only ever remember California Strut making the rounds, but it would not shock me if the Aside got played out at the mecca or such like............... Ed
  11. Mel Torme RIP certainly is!
  12. Was it ever a mecca spin? Thought this was always a soul bowl soul pack record, 100 for a tenner, plus post, late 70s. Happy days. Ed
  13. The answer is in the LP tracks : Nobody knows....... Sorry could not resist that. Remember buying a sealed copy from Bradley's around 1980. No idea what was on it, but it was next to the Frank Dell LP, so I took a chance. Nobody can seriously object to playing this album. Classic story to it. Just amazed how they found their deleted way to these shores! Ed.
  14. The shape of things to come? Next up recommendations? Betty Swan? Ed
  15. If you appreciate class beer, look at this on tap in Rotterdam 2 days ago... Ed
  16. LORRAINE SILVER recorded “Lost Summer Love” when she was 13 years old in 1965
  17. This cd is going to end up as an mp3!
  18. And don't forget
  19. Take my Heart was the b side of a top 40 hit in Canada on the quality label. Massive back in the day.
  20. The man who brought us this:
  21. Another monster or two back in the day...... Mr Floods Party The list goes on........ Ed
  22. You did realise its No Smoking? And of course the Band from Barrow.............Chapter 5 ..................And they still play the clubs up North
  23. I had a very long debate as a young man with John Carmody (weasel) RIP, about the definition of soul, using the argument that it had to be a black artist He argued Van Morrison had as much soul as any artist... Domino certainly has a lot of soul, blue eyed or even Green eyed being from an irishman! The argument never got resolved sadly, but as an old man, I can now see his point. Ed
  24. When / Where was this played? Its about the worst example I've heard so far on this topic, and the first time I've ever heard it also. Ed
  25. Are there still rarities to be found? At the LA 2004 event, I spent about 20 minutes looking through GWEN OWENS collection she had for sale. Not a Velgo label in sight. In fact no rare soul at all by the time I had trawled through them. But amazingly she did have a bunch of BEATLES singles.. If only she had kept a few of her own stuff! Ed

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