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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. If it wasn't for reaching for the best, the flasher, sharonettes going to a go go, and weak spot...I might have missed out on the real scene. These snippets on TV dramas etc should be taken as a bit of fun really. The dance scene does reflect the wedding parties I've been to for sure...here comes the snake, so everybody jump around. Ed
  2. Top tune minst. On the flip side, how many northern soulies use the same moves to pop/disco records! The earlier episodes offering was better...ovo. Ed
  3. Love to hear a Roy Hamilton version... JJ has it for the boys and VA for the girls. Ed
  4. Indeed, like the ringleaders. When it first got played, it was a tenner. Shortly after, a load came over from the states, and it was a quid. I'm guessing 500 to 1000 that flooded in. Now it's big money, so there must be a load more collectors than then! Ed
  5. It doesn't take much, does it... For years Ujima I'm not ready, was a quid. Gets revived....more like a grand now. If djs need to play outside the top 500...there's a great chance of introducing a £25 contender and watch it take off. Ed
  6. In 1976 / 77... we had reached the £30 mark for your Bernie Williams, Gene Woodbury, Bell Boys, Maurice Chestnut....type classics on original labels. My first wage was £27...take home. I could not afford them then, and certainly would not pay the asking price today. For those that did push the boat out then, and did not sell, they made smart investments for sure. I feel sorry for those who sold off in the great sell off around 82/3 Those who bought then were very smart indeed. Ed
  7. You see the reaction every week on here following the publication of prices on the JM auction thread. Often, bog standard records into the £hundreds. Supply and demand control most values, but the number of career record dealers also play a part. I've never owned a 'spare copy' of anything, let alone records, but it seems plenty of folks do, and so help to control prices. Not sure I agree with the numbers of collectors dwindling. Ed
  8. You learn something everyday.. Unfortunately not nice if it's your first name. Ed
  9. Very good.....lots of nice tunes, and then comes Curtis Blandon to steal the show! Ed
  10. So was "Stanky" the name he gave his guitar? Ed
  11. Praise the Lord types... Non descript like scratchy... Advert types Scott's on swingers... Genre types...jazz freak for example... All about the me me me party time man Message types, the bottle... Dance types, the duck. Boogie with your baby.. Political messages, clean up the ghetto. Under the influence, whiskey talking.. This could go on and on.. Ed
  12. I've always like the uptempo stuff like this and Angela Davis for example. You can go a little mad on the dancefloor! I first heard it around 2005 to be honest at soul in the sun. Guessing it's a mid 80s find, when I was out of the game, so to speak. Ed
  13. Bought a Helen Shapiro from a really dodgy rock and roll record shop for 50 pence about 78 when I'd read about it but not heard it... Not my cup of tea then or now, and swapped it for about a fiver value tune I did like. Did this not get into the top 50 or so back in the day? Never like the sapphires big thing. Just too fast. Love the Bill Bush story. Top tune. Ed
  14. Obvious I know, but never could tell whether it's one of these, or penguin breakdown....at least for the first few beats. Ed
  15. Seems a very happy guy with a proud family.. Oddly enough I was passing the Roxy in midtown in Jan 2020 and sure enough his name was up there, still performing. Ed
  16. Yes..not having a go, I never made the bus to St Ives so thought Angela Davis might have been exclusive to them? Rain, Little Joe Cook, and Joey Dee...all join the list! Ed
  17. Obviously a northern soul theme is unfolding.. Ed
  18. Great memories of the 76/77/78 When did Angela Davis first get played and when? Nate Evans went on and on and on for years.. love it...wheres Stanley Woodruff? Ed
  19. A few from Whitby today.. Ed
  20. What a sad ending...so close to seeing first hand the adulation towards him by the rare soul fraternaty. Get it baby is as good a musical definition of Northern Soul as any. Ed
  21. Did you catch this: Well worth the watch for a bit of living room northern dancing! Actually showed the 45 Okeh issue being put on the record player. Good fun! Always reminds me of Derek who announced it as "our Sandi" Ed
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  22. It's been discussed on here many times...but Let's get to the point..changes go around.. The composers...was in them for example...a great double header now fetching a few quid for many years. At least half were collectable and in a lot of cases totally unknown to the average Joe like myself. Happy days. Ed
  23. I'm hoping to do detroit a go go in October. Did the first one five years ago. It's more like a meet and greet the Detroit stars that are left standing than the rarity of the vinyl they made. Ed
  24. Yes indeed. I wonder how many singles in total SB imported? Every ten quid soul pack was worth ten times that....at least. Sleeping giants, especially 70s stuff. Happy days. Ed

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