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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. Supply and demand... Ego.. One-upmanship.. Please Lord do not let Northern Soul become popular with Saudi Arabia or UAE Royal kids....or add a zero to everything! Ed
  2. A great result. Obviously Alan Knill, Kiefer Moore, and Will Vaulks....all ex millers....making the difference:) Ed
  3. Why Roger Eagle? Reason I ask is that in the "development years" of the eventual scene known as Northern Soul...there were 'events' all over the place, not just Manchester, introducing these tunes. Plenty of books written about the Northampton area, Yorkshire, and even the smoke. Probably safer to use a year rather than a dj, even though RE is highly respected as a stalwart of the early scene. Ed
  4. Most must be on you tube....if there was a way of counting them. I bought jm price guide about 18 years ago. About 28000 listed, and some defined as not particularly best known as NS, but also plenty have playable b sides. LP only tracks missing. In reality, I did not, and do not, know reams of titles listed, and plenty I do know, not listed. I think 50,000 would be a Conservative estimate of tracks between 1963 and 1975 I would dance to. 1975 to present? Probably the same again. Dazz might not be far away.. Ed
  5. I thought the range of "Britishness" on display was fantastic if taken with humour. Who would have put Sir Cliff with Eubank? Plenty of c list celebs milking it. Surely Mr Searling should have been on the NS float, now he is honoured? I wonder if any of the Royals have heard of NS? Ed
  6. Google search right now. Probably not the same pre jubilee. It must be how these things appear? Looks innocent enough, blended in unless you recognise it.
  7. A lot more folks now know about a symbol than did before. On one hand it's free advertising for the neo nazis, but on the other its shown outrage to this symbol and what it stands for. Meanwhile Northern Soul, what ever that is, gets some huge exposure! Nuts. Ed
  8. Just saw this.. The Platinum Jubilee Pageant Company apologised. It said: “This is a genuine mistake and we apologise for the offence caused. The act intended to represent the Twisted Wheel Club associated with Northern Soul music from 60s and 70s, and the symbol was unfortunately mislabeled on search engines. This is an error with no malicious intent. Anyone who has seen the Pageant will know that the Pageant is all about inclusivity, tolerance and unity and this symbol does not correlate with anything it stands for.” Ed
  9. Has their ever been a time where "somebody" Did not financially profit from the Northern Soul scene? I'd agree more folks make a living from it now than ever before. Dancing shows, fashion week themes, films, documentaries....dealers, promoters, even now we have new release hoarders! Hoping to flip for a profit:) We may expect the nazi badge on sale at a venue near you, as the frenzy to capitalise on the scene explodes. By the way, the black power freedom fist wont please everybody... Ed
  10. A bit more here about the northern soul offering for Liz https://www.nwemail.co.uk/news/20172354.northern-soul-enthusiast-selected-perform-jubilee-celebrations/?ref=wa Ed
  11. I would not have known what the symbol stood for. Then again, I've lived a sheltered life... Ed
  12. Wow...not heard Bobby King in 40 years! Great mix for the soul.. Living colour...absolute massive on first plays. Cheers Ed
  13. Did not realise 'prepared to love me' had appreciated that much. Then again it was a weeks wages in 76 and about the same today... Ed
  14. It's a while back, 1995, working on a project in Delhi....in the Sheraton bar, a fillipino band was belting out more today than yesterday. My fellow expats were amazed at me singing along and knowing the words after one or two cobras. Ed
  15. Always happy to raise a titter.. Alas only joined in 2004...so obviously missed that thread. Great tune and a great show! Ed
  16. Thats an interesting notion. Any evidence djs did play this based on hearing on the TV series? It was soul source that pointed it out to me that it was on the TV series, but I only watched it years after first broadcast. Ed
  17. Indeed...its a fun topic... As was pointed out to me...pay attention to the sopranos music. Nearly fell off the sofa.
  18. I could listen to sonny boy Williamson all day...and this could fit into his playlist easily, but aside from its rarity, I don't see it as extra special personally. Auctions of course are all about rarity, and JM does get criticism for sometimes listing 'not rare enough' stuff! He can't win... Ed
  19. Donny B & Q and Morrisons must have soul fans in the office as its constant soul on the background music....love it! Most unusual....ordinary Joe played in an electrical store opposite Veronica's in Tenerife. Most unexpected....Margaret Mandolf something beautiful on John Peel RIP radio 1 show. Ed
  20. Auctions are buggers for establishing fair prices....for anything! Ebay audience must be mind blowing in numbers. Ed
  21. When I sold off most of my collection....I could not let Tower of Power go! 100% soul genius. Nice mix. Ed
  22. The excitement of opening them up was intense. At least 90 out of the 100 unknown to me anyway, and it took years and years before, if good enough, they got played out. As explained in a similar thread, anything untested was restricted to 25 copies in the soul bowl vaults, and the rest soul packed off. There were obviously some records that were awful, but on great labels, or by great artists. I remember thinking what to do with the slow stuff. I shifted all of them at record fairs as job lots. Happy days.. Ed
  23. Seriously....where did this come from? Brilliant. Ed
  24. I saw him at Leeds Central a few years before he passed away. As far as I could tell, the crowd were mainly university students, not into northern, but into his unique poetry in motion soul/jazz style. Ed

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