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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. And surely this? Did he not play it 4 times in a one hours slot? However... This list could go on and on I suppose. I think you could narrow it down to Levine and Anderson who introduced the majority of US import NS and modern above and beyond anybody else by a street mile. Ed
  2. Great list. If I win a multi rollover lottery, I must get them all....and more. Had a few in the past like Gloria & T-Airas Im satisfied Betty £8 from soul bowl, and bird walking for £1 when a few flooded the market after it stopped getting spins. Ronnie Mcnier probably rarest I had, by my ten quid limit was restrictive... No Ringleaders? Probably right, as there were hundreds about for a quid at one point, even though it is a superb sound. You could almost do a rare soul weekender with just this list, and have a full dance floor throughout. Ed
  3. Paul Anka WWGT is rubbish and that's all there is to it, apart from its now expensive rubbish. Mediocre pop crap that should have stayed at Wigan Casino. Then again its not that long ago I heard a so called top dj play Frankie Vallis oh what a night...so it may well be there is a scene for such stuff, its just not my scene. Ed
  4. The soundtrack of titelcock fair waltzer in my early youth. Glad it brought her fame. RIP Tami. Another nice track. Ed
  5. Over £5k for William Powell.. Its getting ....probable....that a dj carrying a 400 top tune box is now carrying a £1m box. I hope the appearance money makes it worth the risk. OVO? That's becoming a rich man's retreat. Ed
  6. Well Dthedrug...I totally understand this is a time for grieving for someone special who has passed, but I'm sure I'm one of many who did not know TJ personally but would love to hear the stories of his escapades in the world of northern soul right at the beginning. You cant really get much more prestige as a dj than being at the Mecca and torch leading the way. I was fortunate to listen to Martin Ellis around 78 reminiscing about his experiences of the 'heydays' and hung on every word. When your ready, let's have the memories. Respect Ed
  7. An endless list....but the instant recognition and feel good factor of what's coming next, this is right up there: Ed
  8. Going to give it a go...managed to get a 47 inch by 70 inch x 8 inch memory foam mattress(split in 2 for transporting etc) in the van, for a decent bed... Tent made for disco commercial. Just need the camp sites to open. Tenerife can wait... Ed
  9. The fortress at low tide. Must have been a scary place to work in ww2. Ed
  10. I'll be there today..... Reminiscing of tunes like... Ed
  11. And some ace of spades for the might millers promotion.. Ed
  12. Thanks to Dominic...things getting back to normal.... Ed
  13. Bought Ujima for a quid, as we all did! Thought I'd done well selling to a Japanese collector for a ton about ten years ago. This cannot be rare at all... Hype and popularity does sell though. Ed
  14. Theres not many instrumentals I prefer to the vocal side....if it's a good vocal side, but some individuals kind of mix both in a lot of their songs... As others have said Junior Walker sounds soulful whether he is playing his sax or singing the words. George Benson also with his guitar style, especially on 'love ballad' and even the young Stevie Wonder on 'fingertips'. Ed
  15. Thinking of presenting this to the Tate modern. Entitled... Lazy painter forgot where he left his tools. Ed
  16. Well put it this way... If that's a floor filler in Blackpool, I wont be going anytime soon. The other 49 Roy Hamilton tunes must all be better...i hope, or the panic is on. Ed
  17. Just browsing the tube and this just went to the top of my list. Please tell me it's not a regular play? Ed
  18. I dont know how rare it is in numbers and value, but in rare soul quality it's right up there with the best. Ed
  19. Childhood nightmares....I was put off shades for years.. Ed
  20. Yikes...was he on LSD? Ed
  21. As a 16 year old lad, I had a traumatic experience when I started work. It wasn't the daunting transition from school to pit, or the 6am starts, or the taking shit off everybody older than me. No it was being given a copy of this and told to listen to it. The pain... Ed
  22. Some great discs there. Eddie Parker sings his heart out.. Ed
  23. Leaking boot everytime. It was open a week or so ago... Ed
  24. RIP Bonnie. Loved this album and your take on this track. Appropriate to you. Ed

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