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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. Hey DJ Temple....it used to be me introducing new sounds to you...not the other way around. Nice to see you still digging. Ed
  2. Tra la la tra la la la.... One banana two banana three banana four.. A sign of the Times.. banana bread and beer. Ed
  3. £2000 v £20 Sorry....but you did ask:) Ed
  4. Not dramatic...but we did finally get snow in Donny Ed looking forward to a snowman eventually..
  5. Well I will kick it off with something simple... This tune really sums up a great feel good sound these last few months. Brings a smile to my face everytime I watch it. Ed
  6. As I've said, I do like the instrumental. Its a real powerful beat and the pace is frantic. Jim Fraser can sing for sure. The lyrics? Hardly a selling point for bone idle students! Just glad it was made......proper norvun with a story to match. Ed
  7. I remember the XMAS party at the cleggy winter Gardens when all the balloons got released from above....and the Maestro himself, the might Bub blasting out love train so we could do the conga. Happy days. All of you soul sources think back to happier times and make the most of what we have now. Be kind, stay safe, and keep the party going. Ed
  8. I really did not know there was an instrumental to Jimmy Fraser until I heard an old Wigan tribute set recently Was it played before the vocal back in the day and was it as popular? As instrumentals go, I must say I really rate it as a dancer. Ed
  9. Its an old thread.. Whats it worth now? Ed
  10. Richard Temple...was the name of a TV detective in a series at that time, and used by Jimmy Conwell for that beating rhythm... Ed
  11. In the motown museum, there's a couch which Marvin Gaye RIP, used to sleep on instead of going home when he was busy recording... Dedication or what! Ed
  12. I mean if I did buy it now...would I want a ten grand disc being posted for 20 bucks? I know Bill passed away in March, but I cant see this becoming a rare collector item anytime soon. Ed
  13. If it sells...the seller is guaranteed a lovely year, never mind day.. Ed
  14. Is it just me...or does it sound crazy to others that new releases come to market with dj copy not for sale special editions for sale at an enhanced price? Do the buyers actually think they are getting something special when its never been a dj copy in its truest sense? Pure commercisation in my opinion. Ed
  15. I can imagine over the last 55 years? Some if not all DJs have been linked to certain tracks whether a cover up, new discovery, or only they seemed to hammer it. My earliest recollections were Derek Sheldon.. Music... Jeanette White Rick Scott...Summer in the Parks..ECC Pat Brady...Stay here with me..Sandra Richardson Bub...all turned on...San Remo Ed
  16. Indeed the song is quality.. Ed
  17. The shrine man himself! Certainly unique. Ed
  18. I dont know whether to laugh or cry at so many 'unplayed' 45s. Its whats in the grooves that counts, get it played! Ed
  19. It may be a small profit, but you could get a quick return... Ed
  20. I thought Ray was very good.... Temptations even better. James Brown fair to middling. Ed
  21. Cheers. I really like the shows where the dj interacts a little and introduces what they play. Ed
  22. What current shows/stations are recommended right now? I've got one of those fridge radios that work via the Internet, so can search via tune in radio. Listened into ace records which is good. Ed
  23. Of course its personal choice. The lead singer is just not quite there for me unfortunately. I could listen to lou Johnson or Roy Hamilton singing Burt Bs reach out for me all day, but I draws the line at Mick Jagger singing dancing in the street...if you get my drift. Ed
  24. A few groups on the tube relating to the "sincerers" Are they blue eyed...sounds it to me. I cant help thinking its a typical throwback tune from when such as len jewel showed up. It didn't make the first cut, and now because its alegidly rare, its rated. Just saying.. Ed

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