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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. RIP and thanks for bringing this to us. A favourite for 45 years...after I got the classmates LP. Ed
  2. My mates grandson looks like he is hooked.. Ed
  3. It was a big hit for about 3 months...then as usual was replaced by other new discoveries. It had some serious completion from similar style tunes like love factory, you've been gone too long, and wash and wear love. How lucky we were... I think Stanley Woodruff probably had the biggest life span around that time.. Ed
  4. I heard living colour around 76, but only the vocal. I thought it was pressed up, not a second issued, as a result of its popularity. As I've said, I've never heard the instrumental played out. Ed
  5. Imagine that playing on a sunny evening accompanied by a few cold ones...can't wait. Ed
  6. It may well be that only a few had that instrumental of TTLFL on it? And they are the rare ones? Just remember the label and title to be honest. Ed
  7. From discogs. Not sure how accurate their facts are though. Ed
  8. Uummm... Could swear the city skies disc was in plenty of soul bowl soul packs. Never gave it a second thought at the time, since the vocal was the only side I heard out. If its worth anything now, I certainly dropped a bol*k back then. Ed
  9. Impressive how social lives were based on all week entertainment! Ed
  10. We've heard about the Skip issue... If and when you ever sell your soul records, which one would be the last one you'd let go? For me it would have to be EWF happy feeling...not particularly rare of course but just gives me a happy feeling when I play it! Ed
  11. Another tune that in my humble opinion fits the bill! Ed
  12. Love the energy in this tune. Not sure if its too fast for some, but uptempo it certainly is Ed
  13. Thats not a bad take....but in their wildest dreams do they think they will make any money from it? Or are they like that Aussie band who make these tribute versions just out of respect? Ed
  14. Always rated this as a great double header. Whats your recommendation? Ed
  15. Today its all about recycling. A few punk rock acquaintances of mine around 77, used to take great delight in heating up northern soul records and making Ash trays out of them. When the multi millionaire recycles his Frank Wilson, it could be the worlds most expensive ash tray... Ed
  16. The reality is the 50 to 70 year olds are in the money, and are still mobile. Probably the richest ever, in numbers, due to inheritance, equity in property, generous pensions, etc. Even equity in rare soul music and classic scooters! Of course some are poor, but those who are not are having a ball, or will be again when life gets back to something like normal. (In turn, many of the next generation will also inherit a pile.) Thats why this wealthy middle aged group are being targeted by hmrc....as they say, you cannot get money from those who have got none. Ed
  17. Folks have been asking the same question since the last crash and bounce back around 85. The rarest original 1000 will be always cherished, but the daft prices for boots pressings reissues and carvers will wain. Within 10 years there will be another mod revival and just watch those 60 year old scooters make a comeback. Ed
  18. And another. Ed
  19. Best selection yet Good good good... That 3 burners is awesome. Ed
  20. Rewind 40 years.. Ed
  21. Think its the flip... Less words, more driving beat. Ed
  22. You might be right Sir Here is a couple to kick things off. Ed Ed
  23. Which tunes played out at venues in the last 5 years would make your top 50? Could be a new release, taken off a new found master tape, or incredibly an old tune just discovered. Some of the 100 club anniversary cuts for example. Ed
  24. Very sad, RIP. Legend status as a primette and supreme and a fair crack at some solo work. Just read she was lead singer on this early recording. Ed
  25. Hope you live close by:) Some crazy fines going on these days... Ed

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