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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. Her dads a better singer... Ed
  2. Instead of making a perfectly good NS record like Tainted Love into a pop tune...maybe somebody could make RLSD into a good NS tune... Ed
  3. As the Pursuaders wrote...its a fine line between norvun and pop...so to speak. Most of Williams songs are great pop records. Going gets tough...always good for a wedding or the later divorce party:) Had the pop madness just started to wain in 77? RLSD certainly has undertones of "the night" I also hope I never hear it at a norther soul night...but with across the board anything goes....who knows! In March 2018 I did hear December 63 played out, which I was totally shocked! Ed
  4. Great sing along lyrics.... The sherberts are flowing of course... Ed
  5. RIP. A superstar in our world. What a legacy of music he leaves. Ed
  6. You could hire the sons of the drifters to play it live for that much. Did JM used to be an estate agent? For those who follow his triumphs of extracting the most value from the least valuable...whats his best result? Ed
  7. Good luck. Many happy memories of this venue in my youth. Very reminiscent of the 100 club. Ed
  8. Interesting story and new to me.. Ed
  9. Yes..a 1965 production...Derek Sheldon favourite.. Ed
  10. Thats a brave statement.....MD as bad as TT&TTO..s But guilty pleasures is the topic..all understandable. Ed
  11. Beer or mood enhancing substances... If not...you need some fresh air.....9xoutof10. Ed
  12. Obviously beer is flowing. Rain ...classic. The other dire beyond dire. The flasher and interplay are both key tunes in the definition of of norvun soul... Ed
  13. Good luck to all the entrepreneurs out there. I surrender by Eddie Holman is surely one of the hardest ever tracks to emulate, both the normal and slowed down versions. Tailor made has never quite been accepted to be honest. Maybe you tube and social networks might be the best place for it. Good dancers though! Ed
  14. From soul source... You Don't Love Me had reached No. 11 on the charts in Cleveland, and it looked like the Epitome of Sound was on their way to stardom! Must be a few thousand originals knocking about.. Ed
  15. Is that James Mack ...over the top....Roy Dawson? Seemed to remember at Snaith, that's what it was covered up as.. Ed
  16. The boys sang it well at Detroit a gogo 2017... Ed
  17. Kim Weston looks cheap... Ed
  18. Most of the interviews I've seen, especially Smokey Robinson, do not paint Berry Gordy in a bad light. He comes over to me as a typical no nonsense boss who drove the label from small time to big time. The usual cliche is that he was more effective than popular. I don't think theres a great deal of comparable values between running the motown corporation and Wigan casino to be honest. Ed
  19. If its true, it certainly is a sad event. TWYBAL was very prominent in my early years on the scene, and even now has that haunting message everytime I hear it. RIP Mr Hamilton. Ed
  20. What a list. So many new to me! Grooving! On a Sunday...morning. Ed
  21. RIP Sir This was a huge tune around 78. Maybe earlier also. Ed
  22. I bought plenty 76/77/78...as soon as they came out. £1 each, like a drug, you just had to have em. Even bought a little Joe Cook/ Against my will....not even realising it was the wrong title. Richer folks.....used to get the emi discs before the pressings were out, and they were about 15 notes if I remember. Not many 15/16 year olds knew much about originals. I guess at least 1000 per record. No regrets, happy innocent days. Ed
  23. My friend in Sarasota just fired these over in her lunch hour. Normally in May I'd be there... Instead I'm going camping near Newark Notts next weekend. Not a lot of difference i suppose. Ed
  24. This suggests Sassy was never actually released for sale on the local label...so a good chance the first copy to be played was gamble. Ed

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