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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. Mixcloud. Its just pure soul. So good so good so good. We need, covid permitting, a soul glastonbury to bring this all together! Ed
  2. This is sooooo good. Cheers Ed
  3. What a great tune for summer! Love it. Ed
  4. Superb selection.. Ed
  5. The Get on up LP is superb also.. Ed
  6. Enjoying this selection. A lot new to me, for sure. Freddie Butler is in a class of his own... Ed
  7. Well I can't remember a name....but I was in a bar at the Detroit agogo...2017 do, and this senior Manc guy absolutely defended the theory that the term NS was in place long before DG coined it in his record shop. Who was I to argue, as I was not on the scene before 76... Ed
  8. Superb again. Wish I had gone now...but all I got was tapes of what was being played... Ed
  9. I wonder if anything does not sell? Ed
  10. Its on you tube... A bit discofied for me. Each to their own. Ed
  11. Maybe a prelude to a full release somewhere down the road? The dancing girl makes it look good... Ed
  12. Pure class. Hard to pick a winner, but Jesse Fisher has the most sublime voice, and the chandlers still sends shivers down my spine. Ed
  13. Good question...Tiffany's? Ed
  14. Some great tracks there. Ed
  15. Not seen these characters in a while... White Swan Ampleforth. Ed
  16. I agree, like 'loving you' dislike 'get there' Jimmy Breedlove version always an alternative on 'loving you' Ed
  17. Happy days. Dozens of us went down religeously. Four Seasons/Rudies. Salisbury Pickwick pubs. Staple destination for Bank Holidays. Huge scooter numbers and increased massively after quadraphenia. Witnessed a real shocker on one occasion. Some mouthy mods giving a car driver some hassle. Driver gets out, gets a wood saw from the boot, and slashes one youth across his face like a sword. Never seen so much blood. Not all happy days then I guess. Ed
  18. The perfect chill out playing. Love it.. Ed
  19. The list must be a mile long of once highly popular tunes that have virtually no chance of getting played at a serious soul night in the future. The KGB at Sheffield threw up its fair share of such tunes. This original soul pack throwaway side that caught on for a few months packed the floor solid. Ed
  20. Love the YouTube video of don't pity me. Genuinely it has great atmosphere.. Was years after I heard it I discovered it was blue eyed.. Ed
  21. Johnny Bragg PS a fiver from soul bowl, must have had hundreds, and Ringleaders a quid from Steve Croft who had dozens for sale. Same old same old I guess. Don't sell! Ed
  22. Had this 78 to 05...never flipped it... You live and you learn.. Ed
  23. Long shot... Ed
  24. Twas a massive tune...Once upon a time, and you had to be nifty on your feet to do it justice.. Ed
  25. What a wonderful selection of soul and blues. Cheers Ed

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