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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. They may have to do some radical actions like HALVING the subscription fee for a year to gain a bigger subscription pool. Most of these subscription businesses seem to be valued purely on customer numbers. Or get Musk to buy in....and sell later. At least you get a bump up in share value during the honeymoon. Ed
  2. Please listen to the first 2 minutes... Must have missed this when I was a nipper! Ed
  3. Is JM on holiday? No colourful liner notes about absolute must have tunes, or else.... Back to basics or what! Ed
  4. If your paying £3k for utilities instead of £1k....thats £40 a week, just there, you can't spend on anything else. Inflation at 10% and mortgage borrowing going up..... Definately some non essentials going to get dumped. Boom and bust is a way of life. Ed
  5. That squares the circle! Ed
  6. Never saw the show? Was a jackanory type programme as it looks that way on the tube...but SOMEBODY must have fell off their chair listing to it who was into our scene. Listen to the intro.. Ed
  7. What about when it's the actual show theme music! Remember this was quite big early on. Ed
  8. It would be amazing if any proper non hits made it through to programme or film soundtracks or even backing music... However as was apparent at the la2004 gig, not far from Hollywood, several dozen scooterists were there and a thriving scene in place, so it possible a young soulie went into those industries and thought "what the hell" let's put some obscurity in the mix. I would if I could....and I can so I am...so to speak. Ed
  9. Or Linda and the funky boys:) Ed
  10. Must have been...heard it for the first time today on YouTube! Ed
  11. A mint boot copy of "against my will" by Little Joe Cook...is probably rarer that an original those bootleggers were not always into attention to detail! Ed
  12. Does anybody actually play out Wombat? I had a "probably" second issue back in the 70s, but could never really dance to it then or now! Ed
  13. Not quite the manhatten skyline...but a big ball of cheese for sure in DN4 Ed
  14. Not a bad version of the work song..... Ed
  15. Amazing how the good the bad and the downright ugly...sit together. Ed
  16. New to me, but that's not half bad after youtubing it.. Ed
  17. http://martins_box.tripod.com/id15.htm Ed
  18. Star trek just got real! Ed
  19. Here's a snap shot of Wigan sounds 78. Alan Rhodes play? It would fall in line with the 78 pressing. Ed
  20. It got pressed up....so very popular. Must have been pre 76 and I think a Wigan biggie. Ed
  21. Of the same ilk....this got played at CWG all nighters.....along with Cathedrals and black soul music. Lots of vests and baggy trousers emulating the dance moves to boot! Was it tongue in cheek? I don't know..as a 14 year old I thought it must be the norm. Ed
  22. Experimenting with some garden lights.....its all a bit of fun. VID-20220702-WA0028.mp4
  23. Good disco records in their own right....so just as likely at the local Tiffany's as modern rooms. I think even new releases have to be not totally commercial to make the cut at a northern soul anything goes night. Ed

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