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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. The CROW got a UK release and probably why it was getting plugged again....BUT was it Mecca sound in 75? Can't see Wigan adopting that type of tune. I did not go to cleggy wg until 76, and cant remember it there, so it must have been and gone. Shocking record...I love it! Ed
  2. JM states 69. Seem to remember Pat Brady plugging this at the Windmill club Rotherham about 1980? And quite a few copies selling around £30 which I bought at the venue. Don't think it was a bootleg, and it was not everybody's cup of tea. Coincided with the CROW and a few other funk rock style tunes. Great to dance to. Ed
  3. Title should be Friday 10th Ed
  4. Swapped a Ronnie McCain that I paid about 50 pence for .....for a free Angela LP....about 1980.....and thought I was the smart one. Still, I'm glad it must be getting appreciated as its a cracking single. Ed
  5. No problem. I just hope it won't be too long before free instant covid tests will be available when entering events and busy building etc. Ed
  6. As stated a thousand time single double or soon to be triple vacc does not stop you getting it. The virus can live for ages apparently on lots of surfaces, so an infected cleaner could leave a trail of hot spots for incoming punters to " catch it" Its just a lottery at the end of the day, but in terms of probability of catching it, the less contact you have with others, the less chance of catching it. The same can be said about most viruses. As in 1916 to 1921...inevitably we as a race will have to live with it. I read that the vaccine rate in Africa and other poorer countries is well under 10% and Europe and the USA/Canada is approaching 80%. I really hope the catch up can happen soon. Ed
  7. The latest "funny" from Baxter, who recently tried the stood up driving position. Ed
  8. If the dance floor starts filling up and there's a chance of touchy touchy.....give an underplayed tune a chance. Crowd control. Soul education. Doing your bit for humanity. Win win. Ed
  9. The pure irony. Promotion copy - Not for sale. Unless you buy a promotion copy from the record company, for more than the stock copy would cost. Unfortunately it does sound like profiteering. Why not just make a limited edition with a picture cover or such like to ask more than a stock price? I always thought promotional material was tax deductible? Other record producers have indicated promotional copies are only for promotional work, so not everybody is selling them. Ed
  10. We also see quite often a "perfect unplayed rareity" going for double the value of a VG+ copy, indicating plays well but has the odd mark on the label etc. So....it makes business sense to locked in that vault, as suggested. That opens up our world to pure investors. As they say, money talks. A sad situation nevertheless. Ed
  11. Lulu sounds like lulu... Not for me....not in the same blue eyed league as Dusty.. but a great show overall. Ed
  12. As you suggest the prices are not set by the auctioneer...although his persuasive descriptions make every record listed to be a must have item...must influence and massage the egos of the purchasers.. With lending money at very low interest rates, and rare vinyl increasing in value at much higher rates.....could we be seeing investors or flippers getting involved? Ed
  13. Bought a comp blues cd twenty years ago with sonny boy Williamson on and was hooked straight away. Apart from Roger Eagle....has it ever seriously been played out? Ed
  14. I had the pressing.... 43 years on...I've no idea why. Could never dance properly to it anyway.. Ed
  15. Still on the boating theme.. The Coniston Steamer today. Ed
  16. Windermere rammed solid today. Seems more boats than normal. Ed
  17. Just outside of Bouth...and this sprung up.. Went on one once, never again. Ed
  18. Paulette Reeves did get played out, and I bought a copy on the strength of that. Must admit, not heard Nate Calhoun before today. Gladys is just a fantastic singer and performer all round. Ed
  19. Cheers. It would have been massive at Wigan. Ed
  20. Well Andy, this record falls into a special group...its a dancers dream. Out and out raw unrefined Northern Soul. Love it. Thanks for including it. Ed
  21. Terrifics leave me alone... New to me, absolute stormer. When / where was that first played out? Ed
  22. What a voice. A real sad loss. RIP Ed
  23. I mentioned it previously...its a joke. Demos are supposed to be giveaways to promote the tune. Do you think back in the day motown ric tic Okeh sold demos? If this trend continues...record companies will press more demos than issues....so the buyer who bought the overpriced demo has got less future re sale value. Mugs. Ed
  24. As with all fashion style, it has a short life span, even if it gets revived periodically. The outlets listed were tailors who sold off the peg clothes as well as made to measure. So, probably dozens more similar tailors across the country. As you are aware, one-upmanship...was a key factor in the northern soul scene, even if watered down a tad now. Suffice to say, wearing clothes with a unique edge, even if a similar style, gave a subtle feeling of individualism, I guess. External pleats, inverted pleats, high waist with zips or buttons, it just went into every detail you could imagine. Obviously the longer this trend went on, the more bizarre the tailoring. Happy days on reflection. Maybe not so much for the seamstresses and tailors!
  25. I'm sure the merchandisers have looked into it...as most day to day items are out there with a 'never be over for me/ a way of life' printed or embossed on it. Plenty of norvun played at matches before the game and at half time. Tamla Motown and Northern Soul...not totally synonymous.....or any label for that matter. Even Ric Tic had some weirdo outings. Ed

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