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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. I'd like to try the upstairs, but short of time in the a Dam. Ed
  2. Indeed...plenty of topics regarding best records for under twenty quid etc... Ed
  3. You often see JM advertise "unplayed" mint condition....sacralige! ....unless you want to keep or increase its ten grand value:) If I had a dozen of those, and I dj'd...(first time since 76 at the youthy) id be minded to play an mp3 etc. Ed
  4. I don't want to be a millionaire, I just want your tender loving care, thats enough for me. Seriously, I'd say 50, and no more. BUT...the real dilemma is that would you play your ten grand tunes or keep them in the birth sleeve? Sooner or later with rising prices, OVO will be a thing of the past....unless its ex chart records. The irony of it all. Ed
  5. Stamps, artworks, sculptures, Chinese Ming Vases, and Northern Soul records.....common denominator...auction frenzy! The subject in question is why Auction items "can" escalate accepted values. Homes under the hammer....often delivers the same phenonomum. The "winners" deemed to have overpaid, often defend their actions, and rarely accept they overpaid after getting caught up in the excitement or thrill of the chase. Ed
  6. Vitriol? Nay, banter. Most comments are based on value estimations from numerous sources compared with specific auction results. Some are deemed over priced, some a fair price, and some a bargain. But "the correct" valuation is never going to be the same for everybody. A single unused stamp sold at auction this week for probably more than if the top 1000 rare soul records went up as a job lot, so we do have to put it into perspective! Ed
  7. Quite a few comments were talking about auction prices fetching more than set sales. It was more about how auctions get bidders in a frenzy, more than anything. Supply and demand always has a strong influence on every price. Good luck building up your collection again. Ed
  8. Unfortunately a forum is not the place to make a statement or two and not expect a reaction. Some agree and some will disagree. Its only debate after all! Ed
  9. Wow... Love that Willie Kendricks version of "time changes things"....new to me. Ed
  10. Outstanding. Pauline Shivers another level. Ed
  11. Let's do it justice... Ed
  12. Most new to me. Nice set. Ed
  13. I'm sure everybody's list is a mile long...so the stand out tunes, in line with those above, off the beaten track may well be in that niche. Comes and goes on play lists...but I always try and reach these notes, invariably failing. Welsh blood i'm afraid with English vocal chords:) Enjoy. Ed
  14. The litmus test is when a second copy comes up at auction within a few months of the first... My experience is, as an example, several bidders up to 50% of end price, and just 2 or 3 as it reaches the final bid. Some folks would see not winning as not acceptable, regardless of cost and associated due diligence. Saw it once with a pair of signed man City blue boxing gloves made for hit man Hatton in his loss at las Vegas. (Actually he was not allowed to wear them). The large consumption of Stella Artois assisted the buyer in spending 100 twenty pound notes to win, much to the amusement of his co workers. Never heard the reaction of his wife waiting at home no doubt simultaneously booking the two week all inclusive trip to Benidorm. Ed
  15. For the last 45 years, my top two tunes have been....Mr Washington's Tomangoes.....and this Velgo outing by Miss Owen's. Just cannot split them. Number 3....alas is Mr Wilson's Dee Da Do. Unlikely I'll ever own original copies.....the copies will have to do, but I have shaken the hands of said artists:) Wanted and Needed is worth every penny of the £45 it used to sell for...but no doubt it will push close to £10k. Ed
  16. I really don't know how this vocal can be beat in terms of the music style we love... Ed
  17. A sign of the Times.....or maybe a great opportunity to keep the Sunday Chill out going. Ed
  18. Superb choices. Ed
  19. My opinion is changing by the minute....but....what about you? Ed
  20. 68 to 72 about right. Evolution took place. As I stated earlier just use motown releases as a working example. Its a ball of confusion. Modern soul? That would be the last couple of years then? Or some might say 72 onwards? I mean 1972 to 2021 is a big timespan. The whole jazz funk revolution got swallowed up and is almost forgot about in terms of mainstream plays. In someways though musical style has stood still. More and more new releases are essentially copy cat styles of whats gone before. Retro? Call it what you like. Maybe there's nowhere new left to go and still be revered by the "scene" as we know it. Ed
  21. But....most folks would say a motownesque 60s stomper like the Salvadores stick my me baby is Northern Soul.....along with hundreds like it. Then came the change in sound, pace, rhythm, etc at the end of the 60s and into the 70s, but guess what...thats also now referred to as Northern Soul... D9 ktf summed it up. Don't forget, the actual accepted term Northern Soul was only coined in 69, and by 1974, the conveyor belt of endless 60s stompers was running thin, wearing thin, and Levine in particular started playing "crossover" to bridge the void. AND eventually these got accepted into the Northern Soul playlists. Defining a term really is unique to you in many ways. Nobody rules ok on this. Defining Soul music is just as personal. Ed
  22. A bargain then....about $6.5k..... Ed
  23. Indeed..60s covers raw r & b through crossover...just look at the changing motown output.... 70s covers the disco revolution, amongst other things. So in reality, a record could have several "tags" as well as the old chestnut, Northern Soul. Heres my example of crossover....oh the irony! Well worth a tenner, by the way.. Ed
  24. Just a random rainbow....but a nice sight after a rainy day. Ed
  25. A sky diver from Soul Bowl back in the day.. Ed

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