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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. My copy is the light brown 'naked' style. Never seen one like that but as it only cost a few pounds it looks a good buy. Ed
  2. Miami also has a flee market, but I agree if you are in or around Orlando the chances are slim of finding a shop that even sells vinyl. I am going in May, if you have any luck post the result. I think one prominent Northern Soul DJ rents out a villa over there, maybe he has a few tunes to keep him company, you could rob them if you get his address. Ed
  3. With enough money I imagine you could easily buy a set of the same big tunes as everyone else, but you can't buy taste and imagination. So true So true. No matter how many £1000 + originals some DJs have they will never get respect just because of it. Ed
  4. Any link to the 8th Avenue Band? Ed
  5. I remember first hearing the Drifter and Walk with a Winner (GM) from a compilation LP, and having been used to the normal 100mph stompers, they threw my conception and definition of Northern Soul. For the better of course. Sad loss again of another Quality singer who defined putting your soul into singing. Ed
  6. Cleethorpes did play 12" at the winter garden nighters, many already mentioned (Cathedrals was massive). At the later all dayers there was a seperate room for the Jazz Funk that played the brand new releases like Karen Young - Hot Shot, Sun - Sun is here. Freaky people in Mohair jumpers and tight keks. Made to measures died, along with an Era. One of the biggest but not mentioned was Peter Brown - Do you wanna get funky with me, and a little later the incredible I got it - New York Port Authority (Not remotely Northern Soul, however open minded you are). Ed
  7. I thought there were only 3 or 4 originals. I asked Gwen if she had saved any in March last year and the answer was no. She was also pissed off as she said she could do with the money. Top sound with a great story too. Ed
  8. Did Andy Williams sing 'whose little girl are you' Deram or was it his cousin Dany. Nearly same letters in first name, who knows.
  9. Just be thankful it was'nt ' its all over me' oooooooooooooh sorry.
  10. The 'other version' I heard last March was good. About 200 would be soul singers backing Jerry when he sang it live in the cocktail bar at the Wilshire Grand hotel LA. Swamp Dog rules OK.
  11. What was the record - 'Many's the slip' - Present.
  12. Just got round to reading this book that I picked up in LA and was lucky enough to get the author to sign. We are talking about the early history of obscure artists and bands from 1950s to mid 70s. Linda Jones, Del Larks, Baby Washington, etc etc. Label history, pictures, scans. web site if not clear on the scan. www.mictlan.com. Could be even more in depth if a clever Northern DJ added to the liner notes etc. Good reading Ed
  13. It just does not come close to Lorraine. Sorry. Ed
  14. Gladys Knight and of course the one and only Conisborough king of soul 'Tony - Amarillo - Christie'. You What You What You What You What You What.
  15. Gwen Owens - Wanted Mel Britt - Running back Well about 1000 more really. Ed
  16. The Story of the Del Larks is like the Shrine stuff, it was popular at release but certain people actually prevented it getting plays on radio stations. The ' Low rider' book I picked up in LA last March is full of history like this. Ed
  17. Sterling Magee - Keep on - Sylvia. Dancing Heaven. Hug me , dont bug me. Infectious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Surely there is a way of knowing how many copies of each Motown single were made even as promos. If certain people have managed to get hold of archive tapes etc from the inner sanctum at Motown, a small detail like 'how many copies of Do I love you were pressed' must be easy. The story that almost all the copies were destroyed before release would only really stand up if it happened more than once. Motown was almost at its peak when this tune got pressed, not some back street 'one off' studio. If it were not so rare would it had been so popular? Cannot remember Chris Clark's version getting hammered anywhere or the instrumental. Personaly I love it, if I can have 3 months between listenings. Did any body find 300 wanted and needed's or my fave tomangoes recently? Ed
  19. Steinways has to be there. Ed
  20. I wonder if Lou listens to 'comin home' if it gets his toes tapping etc like it does mine. As definitve of a 'NORTHERN SOUL' tune as it can be. (Who was his 'woman' anyway). Get well soon. Ed
  21. Is it just links to ebay, or does your anger reach 'all soul/auction bid sites' and other links with something to sell at other than a fixed price. What about promoters or DJs who may refer to a certain event in the post in a way that advertises it for free. Soul trip USA. Unless you pay for this sites upkeep, why should it bother you so much. Live and let live. Ed
  22. I actually like the Ohio Players - Love slipped through my fingers. Out on my own on this one I think. I also prefer the modern version of Lighten up - Ty Karim. Ed
  23. I sold a 'Satiron Yellow Demo' for about £25 a few weeks back, but stated at the time that I did not know if it was original. The Gallop was a backing track to a BBC programme about trains @15 years ago!! Ed
  24. My dogs blacker than yours, as they say up t'north.

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