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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. Remember this guy with the big hair and burns doing Doncaster Baileys and Sheffield KGB promotios. Did he actually like the music? Ed
  2. A great era for new toons like 'Whiskey Talkin', ' Not my Girl', Find a quiet place'. Ed
  4. Some girl then. OK how well did the albumn sell?, some great tracks on it. Ed
  5. OK LP Buffs. You know the albumn - Free Angela, with Dickie Wonder, Nobody Knows track etc. Anybody know who she was/is, what had she done and did she get freed. £1 special from Bradleys back in the late 70s, along with the Frank Dell LP. Ed
  7. William Howard - Come to me was one of the millions brought in by soul bowl for the £10 packs etc. Great tune like so many others: WALTER JENKINS - BACK IN MY LIFE CAL BRANDON - 24 LOVE MAN MIKE JEMISON - SATISFACTION LOU RAGLAND - WHAT SHOULD I DO ESTHER WILLIAMS - YOU GOTTA LET ME SHOW YOU AND ON AND ON. Having said that some of the records in the packs were not worth 5pence let alone 10pence. Ed
  8. Not sure if its the flip to (SOUL) 'what does it take', or 'take me girl, im ready' Jnr Walker, but the track RIGHT ON BROTHERS AND SISTERS is made for a Northern Soul dancefloor, and should get played. Still only a fiver record I think, but it is brill. Another quality track I think is a (SOUL) b side, is 'Your love is amazing', Shorty Long. Magic. Ed
  9. Was played at Four Seasons, Scarborough around 76/77. Ed
  10. Black Power - James Coit - Phoof Soul pack record, went massive, completely filled the floor at the KGB Sheffield, week in week out, fetching decent money at its height, Dancers dream if you can shift your legs, full of energy. Its the epitomy of Northern Soul as OPPOSED TO SOUL. There were many more records played that were worse than this. For me it was the out and out pop records like Peggy March and Muriel Day that were dire. Ed
  11. The Cartstairs almost defines xover Northern Soul. All the boxes are ticked. Its got soul (the guys pouring his guts out), its a black artist, its got a dance beat, its got clapping breaks, it fills dance floors, its gets the crowd singing along. Apart from being overplayed its a classic. Whats not to like unless you dont like 70 xover. Ed
  12. Funny thing related to some of the 'dodgy' sounds of yesteryear. If you heard them in a totally unexpected environment like a TV backing track on Heartbeat or the like, you recognise them in a split second and enjoy them for the memory. One in particular was hearing 'the joker' in a passing car a few years ago and thinking 'I know that' sparking off me humming it for the rest of the day. You get the drift. Ed Ed
  13. Masboro school of Dancing? If I remember right, the one and only time I went to a niter there, the place got shut down by plod about 1 in the morning. Same happened at 'Baileys' in Doncaster, another special niter turfed out onto the streets by plod. Funny though, about 200 kids looking for somewhere to kip, most ended up at the empty train station on a platform ticket. ASSEMBLY ROOMS biggies. Music JW, She'll come running back MB, Let our love grow higher EC, What JS. Best dancers for spinning Ive ever seen. Ed
  14. I had a copy a few years ago, eddie carter scratched on the run out grooves as usual (us tykes trust no-one), sold it for about a fiver. Great soul but too slow 20 years back to dance to. Ed
  15. I thought I saw Sue's Story and Debbie and Julie at www.thehun.com Touche. Ed
  16. Rotherham had a few good places about the same time such as the slighty earlier Assembly rooms and the slightly later Football club. Clifton Hall also had many soul nights as well as the niters. Derek Sheldon, dj, springs to mind as the promoter. Ed
  17. Bringing things up to date, I've been the taxi driver to the following acts in the last 2 years. 50 CENT, USHER, SNOOP DOGG, THE GAME, R KELLY, LEMAR, SEAN PAUL, AND MORE. Worse still is having to listen to the CD on the way home, and fund the growth of G UNIT. Time marches on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ed
  18. Debra Anderson. WOW. Bought around 1979 from a Blackpoll Mecca Goer for about £2 along with some other stuff like Heartstoppers LP, Mandrill - Never Die etc. Sold it as part of a buch for about £5 less than 3 months ago. They can see me coming miles away. Ed
  19. In the case of Chris Cerf, I read somewhere that he was involved in many of the NewYork smaller record labels producing some good soul music. Can anyone expand on this? The Sweet Soul Music is a bit depressing but used to pack the floors as I remember. Ed
  20. In any case, although this show has played many great tunes, I think Sidras theme has to be the absolute most obsure so far. They played it all and it fitted the moment and it was brilliant. Please track down the music selector for this show and get them interviewed. I think any true NS devotee would plug our tunes if they were allowed to and although its not the first time, its still great to hear our music in unlikely places. Those patches with 'Keep the Faith' must have worked!! Ed
  21. At the time Eddie contacted us, I assumed the edits were made in JANUARY. Heads have subsequently rolled. I will try somehow to honour his request, So all being well, and hell has not frozen over, me and you kev can see him live in Brunswick.
  22. Saw an advert in a LA newspaper last week advertising 'The Frank Wilson Trio' playing at a free entry gig. Could it be the same one? On the same page was 'Chuck Willis' and 'Solomon Burke'. Ed
  23. Ive been to few lightweight charity do's where they have played stuff like 'lets clean up the ghetto', 'centre city', and other real time soul oldies that went down a storm. Even stuff like 'streetlife' and 'carwash' sound good when not heard for a year or two. Ed
  24. I hate these stories because I sold a yellow ML about 20 years ago for about 20 quid and now Im gonna pick up my toys and leave. Ed
  25. How many Gospel tunes have actually had a spin or two on the scene? A couple to start. Gonna be a showdown - Rance Allen. I got the Vibes - Josie Jo Armstead. Ed

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