Come on guys go back to the mid 70s and Northern Soul fashion was a major industry. You had to have a made to measure suit (spencers were a wigan thing if I remember, like wigans ovation) individually designed including pleats open, double, part open, inverted, even on the sides. Back pockets with seriously fancy flaps, some times side pockets with as much detail on the flap. Jackets with 4 or 5 pockets each side with flaps, small lapels, loads of buttons up the sleeves etc A pair of cherry shoes or those posh ones with the multi coloured panels.
We are talking serious fashion, looking good, spending a fortune,and looking original whilst showing off. We were the ACE long before 'sting' got the part in Q. Changes went from high waisters, wide bottoms, turnups, zip /button side fasteners short waiter jacket style, double / single back flaps, box style, pegs, two tone, denim, etc
You name it somebody had it. Burtons and Jacksons made a fortune.
Then it died at the end of the 70s and the 'jazz funk' nutters took over in drainpipes and mohair jumpers.
Today is all casual as you would expect, but 30 years ago it was a uniform, even the gals used to get stuff m. t. m.
There you have it. Pity I did not keep many photos, maybe some folks did and can post em up for nostalgia.