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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. If its the copy I owned with edy carter inscribed in the run out grooves that I bought for £5 and sold for £8 I will be most put out. Who shouted sell sell sell in 81 ???? Eddies my name, selling expensive records cheap is my game........................
  2. Although I agree with you, not sure if all the DJs and promoters would agree that the music and the people that made it are all that matters. That would mean they are mere mortals. Ed
  3. Well the guy has obviously offered to sort out any differences in person. Thats fair enough I would have thought. Better still he is willing to meet up at his home, what more can you ask for. Ed
  4. What a great joke. Got me on the deck......................... The mind boggles at what stuff will follow if it sells for more than a fiver. Ed
  5. Thanks for all your comments and a few kindred spirits. As I stated I can handle a few tracks, one after the other, but thats it. I have about 4000 mixed soul tracks on my newly aquired Ipod at the moment. If I shuffle the tracks and every so often a deep and slow soul track plays its OK, but to take in a double cd's worth at this point in my musical journey is too much. Some of the tracks big on the Northern/Rare scene are not far away from deep soul, (Stepping out of the picture for example) so there will always be the 'border line case' between 2 styles. Just glad Im not on my own with this deep soul thing. By the way, I could listen to Linda Jones - Hypnotised, over and over at least 3 times. Ed
  6. Try as I might even with the Dave Godin (RIP) special CDs, I can only get into about one in ten so called 'deep soul' tracks. Not sure what the problem is, I can listen to ballads and blues but cannot get the groove and beat on some of the tracks that are classifed as quality. Dont suppose I can claim to be a real soul fan with this in mind. Ed
  7. Frank Wilson - Do I love you, now the music for the plugs on 'Everybody loves Raymond' Paramount comedy. Sky 'Real Madrid' special full of soul/northern. Must be one of us at SKY programming/music selection. Keep up the good work who ever you are. Ed
  8. Earlier this year in Tenerife in a sports shop in PDLA, there was a cd/tape of Terry Callier. Instantly recognisable. Ed
  9. Just been putting a few cd tracks on and IPOD, and noticed on some CDs the track listings do not appear in the transfer, therefore making lots of track 1, 2, 3 etc. (I know the artist and song can be manually added but its a ball ache job), but why is this the case? Just curious ?? Ed
  10. You are more than welcome for the assumption that you are still in your prime. The point is ALL of what you say may be true, and if so the best way to deal with it is to confront the blighters who make you so angry, even on a Monday morning. Its not likely those who wind you up would care about being reprimanded on a forum like this, but if you get the chance to discuss the issues one on one, Im sure most will see your point of view more clearly. Ed
  11. Its not even symetrical. Whats up with the tradition of sticking cracked records on the inside of your record box? Ed
  12. Remember youth, action speaks louder than words. (VERBAL OR WRITTEN). Dont winge about things, confront them head on and take the consequences, or you end up just like the characters you describe. Its amazing how nice people can turn when you are looking them in the eye with something on your mind. Ed
  13. Assuming then that 'the 'crossover' starting point was the late 60's, it obvious that there are more records available and perhaps still many to discover. The change in style from crossover up to present day has been more gradual and progressive. Ralph McDonalds - The Path, is a great record to follow how musical styles evolve. Maybe some artist could do the same thing from 60s stomper to todays more sophisticated output. Ed
  14. Could make this a new topic, but as its so similar, whats the most used 'karaoke' Northern Soul song thats sung? Must admit to singing Jackie Wilsons - Sweetest Feeling, at the top of my voice in Tenerife one year. Much to the disgust of my offspring. Ed
  16. A couple of recent threads have got me thinking where the line between love and hate, or 60's traditional Northern and 70s Crossover begins. Without stating the obvious chronological fact, its not enough. An example may be 'Baby Boy' Fred Hughes. It lends itself to 'shuffling type dancing' similar to crossover, but its regarded as classic 60s Northern. Its always going to be a matter of opinion with shades of grey as opposed to black and white. This probably explains why I look for the 'soul' rather than type of beat to judge if its a winner or loser. Ed
  17. I would have thought that whatever is the music policy at the majority of 'soul nights' today is, has evolved due to popular demand. Or else they would fail. Its the 2 choice option: If you like it - go, if you dont - dont. I mentioned this before, but just a reminder. In the late 70s and early 80s Northern Soul was not a popular term and got exchanged for Rare Soul in most descriptions of soul nights. Nostalgia has brought it back, but this time it has become inclusive of all styles, certainly in the main. In any case, the majority of punters go to soul nights for more than just the music. Its the whole scene that stands out, not just the musical era. IMO Great soul music has no boundry or limitation, you just know when its good, but at the end of the day its all about personal opinion. Ed
  18. DJs who make a living at it, will never be as 'risque' as the part timers, never have been. Play to the crowd has always been the way. Enough stories on here about how to fill or empty a dancefloor. Empty enough dance floors and you wont be getting much work. As they say its a big choice to give up your day job. Ed
  19. Should modern be changed to current? How long does a 70s tune or even 80s have to wait before its an oldie or traditional. The original definition was coined when they were 5 years old instead of 15 years old. That 'Angie Stone' toon filled the floor last do I went to. Ed
  20. He wowed the crowd in LA 2004, joined in and made the night. Good luck to him. Ed
  21. Philly dowg around the world. Tha nos Ed
  22. Its a pity it ended like this. However, overall it brought at least 200k fans into this scene, good and bad. If you went, you would understand the power it had, just celebrate its good times. 4me - Rated A* for atmosphere. Ed
  23. Attention seeking hoond. Sunday neet. Shut the Mutt up by making him the COA. 5 MINS back in check. Watch Heartbeat in Peace. Tha nos ow it is. Ed
  24. Somat like, tha dunt do nowt fo nowt unless its fo thi sen. HOWEVER, just to be in front of 3000 punters playing a quality toon, a little less known ( perhaps - My Sweet Baby - The Esquires, or similar) MUST be worth it for the minute of fame. Ed

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