Junk shops, charity shops, car boot sales, ebay.com as opposed to ebay.co.uk, for sale forum on this site. The oldest trick in the book, free ad in free ad papers, old soul records wantd, collections bought. Always some 'ex spouse' busting a gut to get those 'old crap' records out of the loft.
It goes on and on.
Walking through a Saturday market in Nijmegen Holland at Easter, as you do, and some guy had a stall with at least 1000 vinyl 45s (Soul). Looked through about half and saw loads of stuff at abour 2 euro each that a collecting begginer would have bought 50% of.
Alas my collecting days are distant (75-82), but I used to go scouring everywhere to find low price quality soul. There was only two choices then, pay the asking price from dealers, or find stuff I could afford. I built a 2000 single collection for less than £1000, but it took 7 years.
Whats the fun in making the dealers rich?
Get out and find those bargains, and dont come back till you got at least 5 worth £50 each that you paid £10 forthe lot.