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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. Dont forget, Clifton Hall had some great soul nights as well, after the brilliant Assembly Rooms packed in. Big records around that time: Music - JW Shell come running back - MB Lost summer love - LS Ed
  2. I started a thread a few months ago about oldies that are not available except in original 45 format. I cant remember anything being suggested, so with so much money being at stake, I think anything that can be reproduced either by 45 boot or CD will be. Even some poor to average tracks are on CD compilations, and that makes it worse, as it spoils the CD. Of course mp3 format is great for getting rid of the crap on CDs etc. Ed
  3. Most still for sale or trade, please contact if interested. Ed
  4. Should DJs go back to introducing the song title and artist at the start of playing records.? Some do, some dont. Ed
  5. Well, what a thread. Never thought it could be so complex. As suggested at the start, it would appear that if a tape exists, and an independant judge who knew all parties concerned viewed it, it would confirm who did what. Until then its a matter of opinion. Like most on here, I dont know anybody involved but its a bad state of affairs until it gets resolved. As hard as it is for some to accept, we still work on innocent until proven guilty. If the accused is guilty, prove it and ban them forever, or leave them alone. Ed
  6. Almost 4 years on, is it the same records the folks are sick of? or have we found some others, and those that we were sick of are in now demanders again? Ed
  7. Works of art, those keks were. A months wages to get an individual look. The back pockets were 20 notes, even spencers copied them for the 'instant northern soul uniform brigade'. Looked great on the guys who could spin more than 3 times, unlike me. SITS, April, at least half a dozen youngsters (aged about 30) wearing the same stuff. Great days, especially the bit about a 28" waist>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. Its what followed that was shite, drainpipes and mohair fooking jumpers. Ed
  8. So what your saying is you have a secret crush on her but your in denial????? Ed
  9. You have to have the figure for them. Big and baggy, suit me fine the wrong side of 15 stone Ed
  10. R Dean Taylor - Ghost in my house - real player/random play mode. What tune you got on Ed
  11. And for sure, some of them might have been soulies. Ed
  12. Remember those baggy shirts with the 'Joe's Tyres and Exausts' etc (Crap ones with ACE on the back). First saw them on the 'bigger boys' around 1975. Anybody see them earlier? Where? Ed
  13. OK No more than 2 each. 1. I travel alone 2. Have love will travel Ed
  14. Realistically, its not often punters would travel far unless there was something on offer that was unique (usp - as my kids tell me). When a DJ had a massive sound that no-one else had, the only way to hear it was to go to wherever they were on. Apart from new stuff, crossover, etc its hard to think which DJ has any tracks that are not on a cd somewhere. I think punters more go for a travelling venture that offers an all round good event. The venues that have been around longest by definition must meet that requirement. I went to the LA2004 gig to see, hear, and talk to the artists. We pissed off to Vegas to see Gladys Knight after the main event rather than attend the soul nights at the hotel. No disrespect to the DJs but we had the same toons on the car CD etc. Time changes things - as the 'Ms' sang. Ed
  15. Apart from being belatedly successful on our scene, was this group popular in the USA at the time of recording or just another outfit making a modest living? I remember well the impact of 'Such Misery'. I hope they can reproduce the sound they had in this and other recordings of that period. For sure they will be adored in North Wales. Ed
  16. Got his sisters (Pamela) but you cant have that. Ed
  17. Now if this sells at £300 or more, I give up, I am getting back into buying and selling. Ed
  18. Looks like another attempt to manufacture ready made Northern Soul. As a matter of interest, did Mr Levine discover JSYWAN? I met Mizz Owens in 2004, flogging her old vinyl. she appeared to be very commercially astute, so if she had any claim for copyright, I am sure she would be interested, along with the writer/producer etc or indeed VELGO. The current rise in popularity of the scene will always fuel ambition, but as you say dont expect many to play this, let alone buy it. The current active DJs seem to be doing OK at finding enough material from old master tapes etc to satisfy the demand, so maybe we are not ready for this at least for now. Ed
  19. Junk shops, charity shops, car boot sales, ebay.com as opposed to ebay.co.uk, for sale forum on this site. The oldest trick in the book, free ad in free ad papers, old soul records wantd, collections bought. Always some 'ex spouse' busting a gut to get those 'old crap' records out of the loft. It goes on and on. Walking through a Saturday market in Nijmegen Holland at Easter, as you do, and some guy had a stall with at least 1000 vinyl 45s (Soul). Looked through about half and saw loads of stuff at abour 2 euro each that a collecting begginer would have bought 50% of. Alas my collecting days are distant (75-82), but I used to go scouring everywhere to find low price quality soul. There was only two choices then, pay the asking price from dealers, or find stuff I could afford. I built a 2000 single collection for less than £1000, but it took 7 years. Whats the fun in making the dealers rich? Get out and find those bargains, and dont come back till you got at least 5 worth £50 each that you paid £10 forthe lot. Ed
  20. Great show by Mr Robinson in Notts last night, full house, good atmosphere. Some bizzare moments, but to hear the story of 'the tracks of my tears' was worth the money in itself. He looks in the prime of life, long live Smokey. Ed
  21. It went absolute massive in its short life, one of those played 5 or 6 times a night along with Cal Tjader - Soul Sauce, oh and Dust my broom, and shake a tail feather, and bread and water and..........................oh I will be here all day if this carries on. James Coi(l)t, deffoe a soul pack toon, that got rejected first time round, then again so did 'of hopes and dreams' etc. Glad they got picked up eventually, hardly very soulfull but gets the toes tapping. Imagine a blue eyed soul artist singing 'White Power', they would be in jail by now. Ed
  22. Robert Parker-Barefootin Ed
  23. Seeing John on Monday (Frank Bruno do). I will pass on everyones best wishes. Ed
  24. Come on, a record thats changed hands at this much money would warrant a private detective to find other copies if the rumour of their existance was strong enough. Actually I had not even heard it until one of the last last last final nights at Wigan Casino, where I bought a UK demo in the rush and sold it on the Sunday night at the Windmill Rotherham. Now I have to make do with a Kev Roberts re-issue that Frank signed in LA. Cant speak highly enough of Frank as a person though, very friendly, so go easy on the slagging off. Ed

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