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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. Not sure if this topics been done before, but assuming its a while ago if it was, whats your current ringtone? Do the general public look at you gone out when it fires up? Just loaded John Lee Hookers Boom Boom Boom, after a few weeks with the Mylestones the Joker. Both great for getting attention Although as usual, the kids cringe. Ed
  2. Ask him what was the inspiration behind 'Wash and Wear love' LV. Great tune, but mad lyrics. Ed
  3. Aidan, the only thing is there's about 10 books out there on the same subject, countless tv shows about it now available on DVD etc, and 'The strange world of Northern Soul' from Levine & Co. So the Film idea would get more interest because it has not been done before. Quadrophenia was about the scene 10 years earlier than your chosen timescale, and look how well that did. Good luck whatever you choose, and just remember you wont please everybody with your interpretation of events. Ed
  4. Like it or loathe, its here to stay 4ever. I can dance to it, I know the words, and Id rather have this anyday compared to 3rd finger left hand, Jimmy Mack, or 9 x outta 10. Anyway its in the top 500 so it must be good. Ed
  5. This wish is a one off, so it would have to be a quality respected toon, where there is only one known copy, so I could look down on the rest of the record collecting fraternity with a smug confident smile and watch thier envy as I parade it around...... No, thats just not fair, so I will also go for an original Frank Wilson DILYIID, as its common as muck, but I dont want that shit warped copy with writing on it, Berry Gordy's copy will do. Cant you swop the Fairy for a Genie, you get 3 wishes from those chaps. Ed
  6. Was Bobby at the LA 2004 Gig? If so he would surely known how much he gave to the UK Soul scene, and at least he got some adulation. Great records, another legend going to the next life. Ed
  7. The Atmosphere is obviously better in a full venue where the music is quality and the dancefloor full etc, etc, but any soul is better than no soul, except; I have been told many time to shut the f%4£ up when singing along to my ipod and only I can hear the music. This is down to 2 main reasons, I cant sing, and I get the words wrong. In this case a solo experience is better like listening and singing to soul in the car on a long journey. Ed
  8. Saw a poster in Tenerife a few days ago, advertising a 'Blues and Soul Magazine' 2007 Summer concert in colaboration with the south side hip hop shop, and various djs etc. It must have been an unexpected bankruptcy. Ed
  9. Sorry, just experimenting with adding a photo to a topic. (3rd from left Tenerife, April 07, SITS. being interviewed by that Mary bird from BBC Stoke.)
  10. www.soul-source.co.uk - A way of life then?? You must be a WAG, a lottery winner, an assylum seeker, or a Northern Soul promoter/record dealer. Ed
  11. Did you get the record cheap, coz it has WOL? It would be amazing if it was a signature of one of the group, as looking at the price of an original 'AYA' there must only be a dozen in circulation. Ed
  12. Im pretty much of a '9 while 5' browser, whilst at work between tasks. Usually quiet at this time with only a couple of other soul sourcers on line. What times your time??? Ed
  13. Quality response. Only ever wrote down the lyrics once, from listening over and over to a tune, and that was 'Find a quiet place' - MD. Not sure why, but I loved it when it started getting plays, yonks back. Ed
  14. Its a pity it cant 'go on tour'. First heard Frankie Beverley - because of my heart, from one of the LPs. Some great stuff back then, that even after 6 years of all nighters, I had never heard before. YVONNE VERNEE - just remembered that as well............ great days. Ed
  15. What about 'A lovers Concerto' !!!!!!!!!! Toys. Catchy 'hand bag' tune, but whats the girl saying? I would hate to have to write the lyrics out or sing it on the Karaoke. Ed
  16. He is also (TC) incredible live, but when you listen to his albumns, the lyrics are often weird compared to most singer songwriters. His voice carries it across though. Ed
  17. Read the book 'troubled man' about Marvin Gaye RIP, he was a decent boxer and all round sportsman as a youngster. Also 'Ralph' as featured in the 8th Avenue Bands, Whole thing, was the USA pie eating champion..... Ed
  18. Saw some Ringspan gear (jackets, tshirts etc) in a TK Max type shop next to ground zero last August that were covered in Northern Soul patches. If the extra large would have fitted I might have got some, but there are tight fitting you know. Ed
  19. I had stated on another post that its only a few months ago I heard Ann Robinson's vocal to Bird Walking, World of happiness, and was really into it. Also just heard another vocal to Clarance Carters If it dont fit dont force it, for the first time, but not sure artist, title, label etc (although its on DJ Honkey freebie CD). Still its nice to still get a buzz from 'newies' or at least newies to me. Ed
  20. As an add on to record shops, is there any regular Florida soul nights, especially in SARASOTA area? Ed
  21. Are you trying to cause an argument??? If its taken with a pinch of salt, the banter is funny, but any open forum has the danger of spilling over. Its been said on here many times about using this media to get over your frustrations instead of dealing with it face to face. Cyber violence, its here to stay im afraid. Ed
  22. Dont know who Paul Macdonald (Metcalf) is, but you can bet if he is new to event DJing, he would try and play some different stuff to the top 500. Its a shame if he did not get things right, but maybe you should have made a few requests to get at least some stuff you like played. As far as promoters are concerned, the majority would be strung up if they started to dictate play lists I think. In summary, maybe you should offer your services at the next all nighter to moderate what records are played and at least that way everything will be perfect. Ed
  23. Was this taken when Sam was on the back of the boat in the Hawai Five O series intro, playing the Ventures to the CREW?? Book em Danno............................... Ed
  24. I thought Ian Levine was concentrating on music production? He must read this forum then to form an opinion. It must be terrible to crave fame and acceptance only to find that its replaced by ridicule and rejection. A bit like a Soap Star who gets written out of the show because they thought they were bigger than they were. Ed
  25. Considering most 'modern' tracks are at least 20 years old, its hardly a factual impact badge and who says suck anymore? 90s USA brat speak I think. At least when the 'Levine must die' badges were around they were describing a real time issue, if not a bit over reactive. Ed

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