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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. BUB (RIP) was djing at CWG all dayer sometime around late 78. For some reason there was about 500 red baloons in a net above the dance floor that got released. Next thing its like a boxing ring with folks punching the baloons. First time I had ever caught somebody clean on the chin and it was first round knockout. It happens................ Not seen much trouble at all really over the last 10 years, but when I have its local gatecrashers who kick off mostly. Ed
  2. Im sure you all know the point I am making. Here is a genuine guy who wants to run a Northern Soul night for the students of Manchester. He admits he is not a big fan himself and wondered if he should link Wigan Casino into the marketing. Its open to non students. OK, so it might have been more credible to the Manchester folk to link this night with its own heritage in front of the 'casino'. Its probable that any non students attending would come from Manchester and appreciate educating the kids how it used to be in Manchester. In terms of history lessons, I was under the impression that the Northern Soul scene has a music content mainly from the past 40 years and that some of the highest regarded examples of this music came to be made famous in Manchester. Simple really, just suggesting an approach that may help the event put bums on seats. I hope a promoter helps them out and the students have a night of great music. Ed
  3. I think you should know that Manchester had a famous Soul club long before Wigan Casino. Ed
  4. Reading through this topic again, I now think the 80s lost years tag refers to people like me who went from happy go lucky teenager in the 70s to serious boring married family man in the 80s, ie my lost years as far as the scene goes. Obviously the 80s, for those who just joined the scene or actually stayed loyal to it from the 60s and 70s, it was'nt lost for you. As far as the rest goes, Im just happy to float in and out as time permits and that the scene is today as strong as ever. Ed
  5. I used to wear baggies with a 30" waist with 38" bottoms. Now I wear 38" ...................................... You've guest it, I just changed them upside down. Does that count? Pukka Pies rule OK. Ed
  6. The point is the group appearing in the Soul Suite in Playa des las Americas is free to watch, and the mob touring the UK now is £35. Both 're-issues' and emulating the original line ups. OK its not possible to have the original group members, but dont you think its a cheek to charge the same as if it were them? Ed
  7. Why do you assume the Northern Soul Scene will not carry on forever? Dont forget its a Religion to some folks. I would like to see a dedicated Museum though with the icons on show. Made to measure suits, red cherry shoes, and the Flasher/Interplay/The champion playing as background music. Ed
  8. Sad news. My thoughts are with her family. Ed
  9. I see the FT & T, are doing the rounds again. In reality they are tribute bands and the cost to see them is as much as when they did have the odd original member participating. I think the act may even be a franchise like the awful Drifters at Whitby. Should we all rush for tickets or just stay away and enjoy the memories? I went to the last tour and was not that happy with the whole set up and in particular when they sing someone elses material. £10 a ticket is a good night out, £35 a ticket is outrageous. What do you think.?
  10. If you loved it and now hate it, leave it for a couple of years. A bit like soul web site forums....................................... but just a fortnight should suffice for those. Ed
  11. I agree it was the time when the 200000 kids who passed through the doors of the Casino and other 1970s venues were getting married, starting families etc. I was one of them. It was also the same time that Northern and Jazz Funk went seperate ways, so another reason for the 'lost years' reference. Record prices died, and the scene shrunk. Thats not to say it died in any way but in reality the conveyor belt of traditional new material slowed down and was enhanced by diversity. It must be said though that some of the discoveries in the 80s, have been claimed as already known about in the 70s but were not good enough to get the exposure they deserved due to the number of records discovered then. In any case, its history now and the scene is probably bigger now that ever before. Ed
  12. Stevie Wonder before its too late. Ed
  13. Not come across this for a while. Heard it first about 1978 at Cleggy WG, same time as Carol Andersons Im not worried, and Gloria and the Tiars Im so Satisfied Great records, makes you wonder why so many top tunes get overlooked for the top 500. Ed
  14. Coz of U lot, I could say 'Can you feel the ice melting' I hope you all go wth a Union Jack flag wrapped around your shoulders. Ed
  15. There has always been two groups to please, and if its getting rich your after, unless your a record dealer it aint coming from rare soul. More promoters exist now than ever before and if its your living, you would be nuts to be selective. Maybe just like the housing market the scene is going to crash? What goes around comes around. Ed
  16. Just been listening to an old CD and Ten Miles High came on. Always hated this Wigan toon but must admit the intro is very ggod. Ed
  17. Dont forget a lot of 'handbag soul' made the charts, so Higher and Higher, Sweetest Feeling, Be Young Foolish Happy, Ghost in my house, My mans a sweet man, etc,etc, should be known by most of the over 40s. KFC ads took care of DILYIID, etc so there is a choice of about 100 tunes that most folks should know. It would be great to Slip 'Scratchy' on and watch the reation!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anything played late on should fill the floor anyway, even bloody Baby Love, ooh er ooh er. Ed
  18. In actual fact has there ever been a time on the NS Scene where it was not like it is today? It goes hand in hand with having a group of people who think they are better than everyone else, have better music than everyone else, better style, better knowledge, better everything. When theres no one else to fight or bitch over, they turn on each other to break down into smaller groups internally with tighter limits of acceptance. Only 60s or only modern, etc etc. I love it........................................ Keep the faith and remember we are the CHOSEN ones. Ed
  19. You can just imagine the buyer steps up to do a spot and has this record pulled up in its white sleeve at an angle jutting out of the recrd box, just so those around can see they have the record. Of course it cant be played but what the hell, image is everything. Then they get a request to play LIG and the DJ turns round, whips out a pressing and says 'I hope you all understand but I cant risk playing my £2k original on shit decks like this' All the folks around are fooled, The DJ gets the adulation and respect, and in reality it only cost £700 instead of £2K. Repeat this trick at several soul nights and suddenly the argument turns to making it a great buy.................. Its all a matter of marketing guys, life is all about shades of grey Ed
  21. If theres a profit at the end of it, they will get released. These kind of CDs are perfect for ASDA/TESCO etc. Ed
  22. Surely a few TVs will be placed around to 'do both' That was the case last Saturday at the Soul night I went to. Ed
  23. Oh no, after all these years the truth is out. Northern Soul DJs are naked Smacks of jealousy. The Funk scene was no different, Mowhair Jumpers and drainpipes, and still listening to a fair share of one hit wonders. If funk was so good, where is the scene now?? Yes, sneaked back into the Northern scene. Poo Poo La La. Ed
  25. Went to a local Motown night on Saturday, and as usual after some refreshment decided to sweat it out on the dancefloor, only to find it was deep in blood sweat and tears making it impossible to dance other than the old two step reserved for handbaggers and geriatrics. Spoilt the night. No talc in sight either. Should venues have a dancefloor quality rating??? Ed

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